Hazel Rossi. Will you marry me?

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I woke and saw Hazel was still asleep. Her auburn hair fanned out around her head like a halo. I grabbed my phone and walked into the kitchen to phone Derek.

"Hey Pretty boy what do you need?" Derek said on the other end of the phone.

"Hey Derek. Can you help me out today?" I asked looking at the bedroom stairs to make sure Hazel didn't walk down to hear the conversation.

"Yeah kid what do you need help with?" Derek said sounding nervous.

"I need help buying Hazel a ring." I said pacing around the kitchen. I heard Derek chuckle.

"Of course kid. I will pick you up in 20 minutes." I agreed and walked off to mine and Hazel's room to get ready.


"Hazel I'm leaving to go grab something I will be back in a hour." I said kissing Hazel on the head before going over to the stairs. I heard Hazel mumble a okay and a I love you before soft snores were heard again.

"Hey Pretty boy, you ready?" Derek asked when I got in the car. I nodded before fiddling with my hands.

"So when are you going to propose?" Derek asked his eyes not leaving the road.

"Probably on out one year anniversary." I said looking at Morgan with confidence.

"Isn't that in 2 weeks?" Derek asked still not looking away from the road.

"1 week and 2 days." I said looking ahead. In the corner of my eye I saw Derek smirk.


When we arrived at the jewerlly shop I felt all the nerves hit me like a ton a bricks. We were looking around at the engagement rings for a while until I spotted the perfect one. It was a Diamond stone but the outside was lavender and the inside was sage green. The actual band was silver. "Can I get this one please." I said pointing to it. The jeweller nodded.

"Good choice." the women said before making it the right measurement. I looked over to Derek and he smiled.

"She's going to love it kid." He said placing his hand on my shoulder. After I paid for the ring me and Derek went for brunch before he took me back to mine and Hazel's apartment.

"Spencer good luck." He said saluting before driving off. I laughed and walked up to the apartment.

"Babe you're back!" Hazel said jumping into my arms. I laughed and spun her around.

"Yes I am." I said placing her down and kissing her.

"Are you feeling okay? You look really pale." I said feeling her forehead. She shook her head.

"I threw up I think 20 minutes after you left but apart from that I've been fine." I nodded.

"Bug go lay down on the sofa or our bed. I will make you a tea and you can rest the rest of the day." Hazel nodded before going to the living room and wrapping herself into a fluffy blanket.

For the rest of the day we just snuggled and watched movies.


A week and 2 days later


The week leading up to our one year anniversary was stressful. We just got back from a case today. Tomorrow is our anniversary so to say I am stressed is a understatement.

Hazel was still throwing up every morning. It was currently 5 am and Hazel woke me up by running to the toilet and throwing up. I ran in behind her and held her hair up rubbing circles on her back.

"I'm sorry." Hazel said flushing the toilet.

"Don't apologise." I said leading her back to bed.

"You go back to sleep." I said playing with her hair until she fell asleep.

I already knew how I was going to propose today. It was how I was going to get Hazel out was the problem. But that's a problem I would face later on right now I will just read until its a suitable time to get up.


It was now 10 am I finally decided to get up and make Hazel breakfast in bed. I just made her pancakes with strawberry's and chocolate chips.

"Good morning love." I said placing the tray down making sure not to spill her coffee.

"Good morning." Hazel said kissing me before digging into her pancakes.

"I got you 2 presents." I said pulling a box from behind my back. Hazel looked at me with shocked doe eyes.

"Oh babe you didn't have to." She said putting more pancake into her mouth. I laughed when she got a bit of maple syrup on the corner of her mouth. I leant forward and wiped It away before speaking.

"Oh but I did." I said handing her the box. Her eyes lit up when she saw what was in it.

"It's so beautiful. Can you put it on me please." She said holding the necklace up. On the inside of the necklace is a photo of me and her on our first 'date' once I placed it around her neck she kept eating.

"What are the plans for today then pretty boy?" Hazel asked tilting her head.

"Movies all day. Then go for a walk? Is that alright?" I asked. Hazel nodded eagerly. I laughed at her eagerness.


I started feeling nervous as we were walking. I had text the bau group chat to tell them what I was doing. Penelope insisted she set up a little area by the lake near our apartment so I just let her knowing she would've anyway.

When we got to the lake Hazels eyes lit up. "Oh my Spencer it's so beautiful." She said turning towards me wrapping her arms around my neck I hugged her back.

"It really is." I said pulling away. Hazel turned back around admiring Penelope's work. I took this as my opportunity. I got down on one knee and waited for Hazel to turn around.

"Okay babe I know you do not have the decorative skills to do this." Hazel said laughing turning around until she went silent.

"Spence." Hazel said tears welling up threatening to spill.

"Hazel. Before you say anything I want to say a few things. You are the most amazing person to walk into my life. You are so funny and drop dead gorgeous, you have a way to make a whole room laugh and brighten up even on bad days. I want to stick beside you through everything. I want to grow old with you. Start a family with you. I want to do everything with you. Hazel Rossi. Will you marry me?"

A/n What will she say ooOooOoOoOoOOOO

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