Chapter 21

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River's P.O.V.

"all righty it is friday once again welcome to another magical mysterious" matt says "what the fuck is this the magic school bus buddy" nick says and i laugh. "another friday video with us and riv" matt says

"anyways we are going to be telling each other our icks about each other and i'm very excited about this" nick says they talk for a minute and matt starts doing his little dancey dance.

they start arguing about shit as i get on my phone. "alright i wanna start" nick says "no my biggest ick is that nick always wants to start" matt says "i didn't have to start" he says

"oh you just lost you got angry" chris says "i didn't get angry" nick says "rude tone" matt says and chris repreats him. "my biggest ick about nick, is how he just looks like a traffic cone" chris says pointing outside.

"just standing there waving its yellow thing" chris says adding on. "can we actually just start the video?" i ask "yoooo what pissed in your cheerios" chris says "shut the fuck up" i say going back on my phone.

"when chris is wrong, like he knows he's wrong he's one hundred percent wrong he been proven by fact he's been proven by me and matt he's been proven by google" nick says

"yes he always does that" i say "he will go he will go okay but like whatever" matt says and i laugh. "he acts like if he keeps goin, he will end up being right or something" i say and they laugh.

"you wanna know my biggest ick about nick, i hate that on thursday nights when i tell nick hey you should probably edit the youtube video considering it goes up tomorrow, and he goes i know we've been posting on youtube for two years i've never missed a video don't tell me that our youtube videos need to go up and i get yelled at" he says

"and then i go back in the room two hours later i go hey, nick did you edit edit the video yet and he goes oh thanks for reminding me i would have forgot, it's a little like mmm" matt says annoyed.

"i hate when i ask matt for a simple ride down the street and he is like oh my god" chris says "that's not even the worst part the worst part is he also wants to go where your going" i say

"im like hey matt let's go to mcdonald's uhhh around the city" chris says throwing up quotation marks with his hands. "you wanna know my biggest pet peeve about you" matt says looking at chris.

"you think i'm just going to drop everything to drive you places" matt says "what place are you at?" nick asks "what are you doing, you could be sound a fucking sleep" chris says

"no no no cause you go we go out to mcdonald's" matt says "hoah , hoah , hoah hear the echo hoah , hoah what's echoing" chris says "you bitch" i say and he continues to make the noise.

"i hate how many times i have to wake up matt in the morning get up get up im up and i go downstairs and go up and he's like this" chris says fake sleeping. "and i'm like matt are you getting up yeah" he says

"go back downstairs go up and he's like on his phone under the blanket like in complete darkness so i go matt get up he goes look i'm up and like yells at me as if he's not hiding the fact that he's awake" chris says

"like he will go under the blanket brightness on zero texting away and i go what are you doing get up matt and i pull the blanket down and he's wide the fuck awake he's just not answering" chris says

"first of all i'm not texting anyone i'm playing clash of clans" he says and we all laugh. "second of all i hate the whole driving thing" matt says "oh wait i have a good one" i say to him and they all look at me.

"i hate when matt will get mad that i don't text him back, but when he leaves me on delivered for like three years i'm not allowed to be mad about it" i say and they laugh.

"for real though he is always doing that" nick says "no no no i get mad that you don't text me but you are actively texting colin" he says "oh shit" chris says as nick has his mouth in an 'o' shape.

"so wait i'm not aloud to text other people?" i ask him "yeah you can just not him" matt says "and why not?" i ask "because you're mine not his" he says and i look at him giving he a look.

"haha you thought i'm not anyone's" i say and chris laughs in matt's face. "she told your ass" chris says "i have an ick for matt, you let your girlfriends talk shit on your best friends" i say

"oh you did do that" nick says and matt's face falls. i smile at him and we finish the video. matt drives us home and he never says anything to me. he stays silent the whole way home.


we get home and walk in. i walk to matt's room because i've been staying in his room for the past few days. i grab his white optimist hoodie with black nike spandex, and my white nike socks.

i walk to the bathroom and start the water. i connect my phone to the bluetooth speaker and get in the shower. i wash my hair and do everything else and get out. i change my clothes and walk out.

i walk to the room and matt goes to the bathroom. i lay down in our bed and get on tiktok. i scroll through until he finishes showering. he comes out and lays down.

he gets on his phone, but doesn't say anything. a few minutes later he shuts his phone off. he puts it down and i put mine down. i lay my head on his chest and he holds my hand and we go to sleep.

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