Rory(nb) x Alex(m)

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Rory slumped over their bed face down, the door closed behind them. They'd just gotten home from work on a Saturday evening, and felt like shit. 

"Okay Google, play falling for you on studio speaker, " Rory told the little white device in the corner before hearing soft music beating from it.

A few bars later, Rory heard who they assumed to be their best friend Sharon walk in the door, close it behind her, and sit silently on the bed beside them. 

"Ya know Sharon, I'm running out of time." Rory said, softly. 


"I mean, like everything is just approaching so quickly. I'm about to get my license, family's pressuring me to get a job, I'm almost supposed to be finished school, there's so many things and I just feel like time is flooding by and I'm just a fish trying to swim upstream. Not to mention the formal coming up. For that I'm supposed to lose weight, find an outfit, book a car, find a date-" they stopped. 

Rory fell silent. The music over the small white device filled every inch of the room. 

"Fuck, I have to find a date."

They felt Sharon's warm hand brush their shoulder blades. 

Rory thought it was strange that Sharon was being so quiet and how her hands were that warm, so they sat up on the bed, and saw that it was not their friend Sharon, but their crush Alex.

"Found one" Rory said, breath trembling.

This one's a bit shorter but I'd be happy to write a part 2 if y'all want it. Enjoy xo

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