Belle(f) x Riley(nb)

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Tw: profanity, name calling(not sexual), description of graphic drawings.

"Okay guys, do not forget to bring back your sketches on Wednesday. If you want to be featured in the art show then I really need them by Wednesday," the teacher said.

A small cheer spread around the room of students, as a girl stood up with her sketches in her hand.

"Thank you Belle," the teacher said again, taking the sketchbook out of Belle's hand.

As Belle turned back around to sit down, her eyes met a classmates. Riley.

Belle let out an audible scoff and rolled her eyes at them.

They did the same.

"Oh wow! Look at that. Belle is the first one to complete...again," Riley said sarcastically, placing their arms behind their head and leaning back on their chair.

"At least I actually hand my work in," Belle retorted, "unlike you."

"Hey stop it you two. None of that in this course thanks," the teacher said.

Belle and Riley scoffed at each other, and the other students giggled.

"That actually brings us to our next project, so thank you for the perfect segue. For your next challenge you will be put into pairs," everyone gasped and got excited, "but I will be choosing your partner," the teacher said again. An audible sigh flickered through the classroom.

Riley met eyes with the teacher and gave them an intimidating glare. The teacher grinned and looked away.

"Our first pair will be Scott and Ben." After the teacher announced that, two boys who were sitting next to each other fist bumped.

"Next we have Duo and Ava. Then Molly and Zahri..." As the teacher continued calling out names, people were either fist bumping or getting up to shuffle to another seat.

Belle and Riley both looked at the teacher with a wicked scowl, as they were both the only names that the teacher hadn't called out yet.

"Finally, we have Riley and Belle," they said with a cheeky smile.

The entire room laughed as Belle and Riley let out a full groan.

"So in your pairs, you will have to do a piece of artwork together. Person A will paint, draw, sketch, whatever you want to do for ten minutes, then person B gets the project for ten minutes. So you're basically swapping every ten minutes."

Riley's hand shot up.

"Yes Riley?" The teacher called, softly smiling.

"I have an issue with my partner. I can't work with an uptight bitch." Riley leaned back on their chair and started rolling a coin over their fingers.

"And I can't work with a lazy whore who gets nothing done," Belle added.

"The word whore gives me gender dysphoria, call me an entertainer," Riley smirked and kept their cool, flicking their gaze to Belle.

"That is enough. The rule is that you're allowed to swear as long as you're not talking about someone. You both just broke that rule," the teacher said loudly and clearly, "now. Belle, Riley, unfortunately I cannot change your partners...but I never said anything about having to be in the same room during your 10 minutes."

An idea flashed into Belle and Riley's head at the same time. They both looked across the room at the other, and nodded.



After class had finished, everyone left the room besides the teacher and I.

"Are you alright Belle?" The teacher asked me.

"Yep, just about to start our project."

I got out an easel and some pencils, and began sketching. I sketched a beautiful landscape from my favourite anime, the town of Itomori.

"Belle, your ten minutes is up," the teacher called out after I'd finished the first layer.

"Okay thanks, see you soon." I walked out of the room and found a table to sit at under a tree.

I pulled my sketch book out of my white backpack, and began drawing. I drew shapes of all kinds, trying to figure out what they could be or how I could merge them into a masterpiece.

After a few minutes of scribbling, Riley approached me, and gestured behind them to the art room.

I left my stuff on the table, and skipped inside.

When I saw the easel, I was shocked.

Riley had used back paint to cover the whole thing.

After I'd made sure the paint was dry, I got out my chalk.

I drew singular balloons by themselves all over the easel.

After I finished the shading of one balloon, the teacher cleared their throat. "That's time."

I went back to my stuff on the table outside, and saw that Riley had been drawing in my book.

She turned my shapes into little monsters, and draw all sorts of gory things.

I rolled my eyes and flipped to the next blank page, only to find that it wasn't actually blank; Riley wrote a small message.

'I liked your idea of drawing the town from Your Name, but...'

I got angry. Not only did they know what the drawing was of, they said they liked it! Why would they paint over it if they liked it?

I wrote a message back on the same page.

'Not a fan of plagiarism, are we?'

I flicked back to the page of monsters, and tried to make it look less scary; I gave them angel wings and halos.

Soon after, I saw Riley coming towards me in my peripheral vision.

I stood up, and went to go continue the piece.

Looking at the easel, I was shocked again.

Riley had turned my beautiful balloons into severed heads on spikes, dripping with blood.

“Excuse me, are we allowed to try again if we don't like what our...p-partner has drawn?” I said, forcing the word partner out as if it was poisin.

The teacher called back to my question, “unfortunately not. Unless it's entirely inappropriate.”

I sighed and looked back at the picture.

“What in the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” I muttered to myself.


I think I'm gonna pause this here for now, and I might perhaps make a part 2 or edit this one in the future. I have no creativity or motivation left, sorry.

If you have any ideas for how this story can continue, please share them!!

Love ya, Cyrus xx

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