chapter 2

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Tw talk of sh and drug abuse

Everyone got back in the conference room when the local police arrived.
Jj talked to them and got all the information. The case will be handled from the bureau
I got seated on one of the chairs
"Hey that's my spot" Spencer said childishly
"There is still room next to me Spence" I said while laughing
He basically gets seated on top of me
"I said next to me, not on top of me" I said out of breath and pushed him off of me. We both laugh as Spence falls dramatically to the ground.

"calm down children" Rossi said
Spencer and I look at each other as he sits next to me and says
" Sorry papa Rossi"

Everyone chuckled.
"How are you always so happy " Derek asked
I got uncomfortable so I didn't answer and we go over the case again. Penelope did a background check on all of the vics. Their phones were destroyed, so p couldn't find any of their last texts or calls.

Pffww they won't know about Eva

"The possibility of it being a client got bigger. The unsub probably destroyed the phone so we couldn't see him making plans to buy" Tara said

" But if the unsub thought about destroying the phones, it means this wasn't a rage attack from some junkie getting the effects of withdrawal" I say
" y/n right, if the unsub had withdrawals they would have never thought about destroying any evidence " Spencer added.
" the crime scene is too thought through" Derek said.

" What if it's a family member " I said
" What do you mean " Emily asked.
" well, addiction doesn't only affect the addict it affects everyone around them, especially the people they care about. A family would see the effects up close. And might got enough of it and took it out on the dealers from the family member. Or maybe just even random dealers if their rage was big enough. The trigger here would probably be a relapse or even an overdose. The rage or grief got to the unsub, which would explain the overkill. But still the premeditated plan and clean up of the crime scene"
I explain
" wow," everyone said

"We should definitely look into that" Hotch spoke to break the silence.

"Prentiss, Morgan. you inspect the crime scene of the latest 3 victims Garcia and Lewis you go down to the morgue. Jj and Rossi you go to the other 2 crime scenes. And Reid and I will get started on victimology. From the info Garcia gave us"
Everybody agrees.
Every time I hear my name I look up, but hotch ment, my sisters.

He's not talking about you dumbass

I got in the car with Tara, the drive was only about 10 minutes to the morgue but I still put up my headphones to cancel out the world.
The car stopped but I was still spaced out. Until Tara tapped on my shoulder.  She didn't say anything about me zoning out, probably bc she was already used to it. We went to inspect the bodies and found out that all the victims got beaten until they passed out and then got forced pills down their throats.
Oxytocin to be exact.

This is the drugs Eva usually takes.
I tried her to stop. We even made a pact, she stopped doing oxy I stop cutting. That didn't last long. So I would be there for her when she would come out of it. And she would clean my cuts.

This case was hitting home, and I didn't like it. I decide to call her after we left the morgue, but she didn't respond...

Pls let her be oke

"You ok?" Tara asked.
" eem ye I'm fine" I quickly respond. But i wasn't I was worried.

What if she used? What if she met up with the dealer at the time of his murder? What if she's...

My thoughts got broken by Tara saying. " I think you forget that I'm also a profiler sometimes"
My legs are shaking and I'm playing around with my hands. My breathing gets heavier as the worry is getting to me. Tara turns me around to face her.
She recognised the signs.

I was having a panic attack.

" y/n y/n oke you're having a panic attack. It's going to be oke"
I slide down the wall of the morgue and pressed my knees against my chest.

Tara bows down to the same level as me. She picks up my head as tears fall down. " look at me look at me. Eyes only on me" She takes away my phone so my attention is all on her.
" Follow me oke"

Deep breath in...hold....deep breath out and repeat.

After a while I got my breathing back to normal. " tell me what's going on" Tara said kindly as she sits next to me.

She's embarrassed for you, you showed how broken you really are. She can't know about Eva. She will never look at you the same.

I told her anyway. At least a part of it.

" I have this friend, who's a drug addict. Their drug of choice is oxy. And eem I always check in with them. They started to use way less and I'm really proud of them. But em they still use a dangerous amount. So eem I just called them and it kept calling and calling until it went to voicemail. What if-" Tara interrupted me

"No no, you can't start with the what-ifs. That's just your anxiety talking, if you want we can stop by their house to check in on them. Would that help?"  I nodded yes and we went on the way.

I got scared before walking into the house. But I had to know.
Tara stood waiting outside the front door. I took my keys and unlocked the door. I heard Tara call with Hotch over what we found at the morgue and that we will be back later as I walked in. I left the front door open and called put Eva's name.  I walked up to her room and I stood silently. As I saw her body lifeless on the ground next to some pills.


Pls wake up I don't know how to live without you


I held up her head and placed it on my lap. She didn't respond. I realised she was dead.

"NOOOOOOOOOO " I screamed and cried out.

Tara ran up to me still on the phone with Hotch.
I could hear him through the phone saying" What happened?!"  Nobody responded. Tara wrapped her arm around as I cried over Eva's body. She dropped the phone and pulled me away from the body.

" hotch we need some help over here. She's dead and her body is in the same position as the other victims"


I cried screamed and kicked but nothing helped. Nothing overcame the pain I was feeling. My first love, the love of My life is dead.

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