chapter 24

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I was stuck in the hospital for 48 hours.

I hated it here. I dont like hospital.

Once the 48 hours were over I was allowed to leave.
The team went back to quantico with the jet. So me and penelope took a public plane to fly home.

All I wanted to do was go home.
"When we get back, Spencer is going to stay at your place. And when is gone on a case. I will stay with you"
Penelope explained.

I rolled my eyes at her and looked out the window.
"Y/n I know you hate this but i won't leave you alone after yiu just tried to kill yourself "

Great yell it across the plane so everyone can here.

I didn't speak to penelope at all.
Not on the plane not in her car.
When I got home p walked jn with me and Spencer was already there.
I also saw my motorcycle in the garage so Derek must have picked it up at the airport.

Spencer had already set up the couch as bed. This isn't the first time he stayed over. Only then I had given promision. Right now I didn't have choose.

Penelope had put my stuff on the kitchen counter.
I wasn't allowed to lift any or my stitches might open up.
Some of the older cuts had already turned into scars. This made me wanne cut even more.

"Hey welcome home" Spencer said.
I didn't say anything and just walked passed him. And walked into my bedroom. I slammed the door shut and face planted on the bed.

But they didn't leave me alone.
Spencer walked in and sat down next to me on the bed. Penelope just stood in the doorway.

"Y/n I already looked around for some razors, I found a few in the bathroom. And I know the hotel threw away the once you used. Do you have any more" Spencer asked.

I didn't feel like fighting. So I was honest.
Penelope had given me my phone back in the hospital. I took it out of my pocket and tried to get the phone case of. But i was to tired so I just handed it over to spence. While my face was still buried in my pillow.

Spencer opend it and saw a used razor. He took it out and handed my phone again.
I trew my keys at him.
He gave them to penelope.
I stood up and unlocked my save, where my gun and badge was. I took out the knife, I always hid on me in case I every get held hostage by an unsub.

I hand it over and go lay in bed again.
Penelope walked back in and said.
"She had another kit in her to go bag"
She said to spence.
"Was that everything?" Spence said
"I think so" I mubbeld

"Oke then"

I could feel that he got up from off the bed. And I heard the door shut.

I'm alone

I heard some mubbeling outside the door , but I was to tired to hear anything.

I was half asleep when Spencer walked into my room, I could smell food.
It was chicken with baked potato's and some lettuce.

"Why don't we eat on the couch, so we can watch some TV" I really didn't want to get up but the food smelled amazing and I couldn't really sleep so.

I got up anyway.
I crawled on the couch that was extended to a bed. I put the plate on my lap and Spencer put on the big bang theory. It's one of the series we watch together

When I started eating I could see spence stairing at me.

"Yk know I didn't starve myself on purpose" I let out but I couldn't look at spence while saying it.

He knows something, he knows about your Ed

"You don't have to clarify that to me"
He responded

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