chapter 53

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Tw ed and a case
* next day*
My brother has been calling me but I ignored it. Why want contact now? Bc he thinks I'm 'cured'?

I walk in the bau and see Spencer spinning around in his chair after screaming 'yes!'.
"What's got you so happy" I walk over and ruffel his hair.
"That was the director of the assistant care home . I've kept quite 
because i didn't want to jinx it but their Is a ground breaking clinical study on alzhiemer at John Hopkins next month. And I just found out that my moms going to be one of the participants. She got in!"
I smile at him and give him a hug.

"That's great news Spence"
He let's out another happy shout as penelope walks in.
"Okay it's customary that the lottery winner shares that mega pay out with the rest"
Rossi joined aswell.
"Well reid's news is even better than that" he said.

"Ow I can't wait to here but right now we got a case" She said with a smile.

She walks away and we follow.
"Ugh why do people have to kill eachother. And don't answer that!" I say pointing to Spencer.

"I spoke to hotch he's still on tby but available for consulting if we need it." Rossi said as he sat down.

I walked over to emily and gave her a warm coffee with a bagel.
"Omg I was just craving coffee and a bagel" she said with a smile.

My stomach is upset as I look at the bagel. I haven't eaten anything yesterday execpt those fruits em gave me after I passed out.

Penelope started to present the case.
"They discovered a bag of dismembered body parts they were with a homeless man belongings. And then the homeless man flet into the mountains"
Penelope showed a picture of the mountains.
"The appalachian trial"
Everyone shared looks.

"Am I eee.  Am I missing something?"
Alvez asked confused to why everyone was looking at eachother.
"I'm confused too" I joined luke.
"We had a case in this general area 6 years ago. The unsub was never caught." Spencer explained to us.

"That guy was a pedophile. Do the body parts belong to a child?" Rossi asked.
"They do not" Penelope said
I was relieved to hear that.

"Well if there is a silver lining in this that would qualify" jj said with a deep sigh.

Spencer explained that in the history there have been killing before in the same area.
"Saving bodyparts is like collecting souvenirs right?" Luke asked.

"It's one possibility, it could also be a forensic countermeasure" emily said
"Or he's keeping them as trophies"
Jj said.
Everytime emily looks at her I get jealous and my brain convinces me I'm not good enough. I start tapping my leg.

"Homeless people often suffer from crippling mental illness. Is it possible he stumbled a cross the body and then collected the lims" Tara asked.
"You mean like a horder?" Rossi asked in response.
"Yea maybe"
Spencer and luke went on.
When Rossi got an m.e report.

" the bodyparts came from altleats 5 different victims"
Everyone sighed.

"Well that's settles that incidental find. They didn't stumble on something. This is serial" jj said

"It's less than 99 miles away Its quicker to drive" emily said.

The body parts are send to the corner here.
"Reid you head out there the rest of us will set up the crime scene "

Everybody looks up.
Emily mouths to be 'are you okay?'
I nodded. She probably asked bc I haven't said a word.

"Hey garcia " luke said to me.
I look at him. "Yea?"
"Did you change something? Maybe lose some weight? Cause your looking good"  I did lose some weight. Only 5kg but its something.
" thanks I really appreciate it" Everyone looked at me and at luke.
He doesn't know about my Ed. He wasn't there when i yelled at eddie. Luckily actually bc i dont want him to know . The team doesn't know I still struggle but em does. I kina like that luke doesn't know everything about my past.

I try to walk out but penelope stops me.
"Eddie is-"
"Nope don't I don't want to hear it"

Everyone got to their car but I drove with my bike. I did drop my bags in em's car.

*at the crime scene*

They found some sort of dog harness ( one for on the mouth)

When Rossi and tara were at the crime scene looking at the stuff the unsub left behind ( the homeless man) em and reid were at the mi.
Luke was getting search dogs and jj and I were in a local shop asking some questions. They had survalence of the unsub. They show the unsub walking in the shop and buying nothing but dog food and then that he didn't pay for
"No hesitation or indecision he knew exactly what he wanted" I say as i look at the footage
"He didn't even pretend he wasn't stealing" the shop owner said.
"Why didn't he get anything for himself "
The owner asked .
"I really wish my brain didn't go there but what we found in that bag might be his food sorce" jj said

At the m.e Spencer and emily found out that the unsub doesn't have a gender preference. They are just victims of opportunity.
1 set of limbs was even more than a year old. 8 months, 5 months, 2 months and then the most recent were 1 week.

Luke arrived with the dogs.
Mostly cadaver dogs.
Officers spread out over the woods.
Almost every office found a cadaver luke even found another backpack.

"Spence is on his way. Emily is going to stay close to home. Inceas we get new results from the m.e" jj said to me and rossi.

Being without emily made me a little anxious since i was not having a great day mentally.

I look at the table of evidence and pick up something.
"Is this a leash, the unsubs dog is probably still running around around here"  jj said as I had picked up the bag.
" We have contacted animal control they look around to see if any dogs got out this woods in the last 12 hours" I responded.
Rossi called penelope.
"Garcia has your search for missing persons brought up anything?"

"I got a couple names but they are  like drug addicts and runaways. They're not back to nature types"

"What about missing hickers?" I asked.
"Nothing there either but the thing about backpack is by definition of the grid "

I should have realised that. Stupid stupid stupid!

I dig my nails in my hands.
And rossi and jj asked penelope to look jnto anyone who got a permit to do the hike or went awall.
"Roger Roger, your names not roger"
And the phone call ended.

"Y/n are you okay?" Jj asked.
I snap out of my own thoughts.
"Yea sorry, I have nothing to add here. I'll go take a look with Lewis and alvez"

I walk over to them as they take a look at the found backpack probably of the latest victim.

I texted emily when Rossi send Lewis and alvez on another assignment.

Y/n: how is it going?
Babe💘: im way to inpatient
Babe💘: penelope's computer is checking through all of things
Babe💘: ow wait we got something.
Y/n: what?

Em called me and I put in on speaker next to rossi and jj

* penelope's talking*  "Kyle flemming 24 years old, corvallis, oregon. That's what the k.F  on the backpack probably ment. Her parents reported her missing to the national parks department 6 days ago"

Em: the M.E said the female remains were about a week old.
P: she had a cellphone on her.she texted her parents say she accidentally saw something scary on  the trail. And she was getting of as soon as she could. But that's thr last they heard from her.

"You got your thinking face on. What is it garcia" Rossi asked as we were still on the phone.

"She saw something creepy. She was the only female...what if the unsub killed her bc saw something she shouldn't have-"

Em: that would mean the unsub does have a gender preference" emily said exactly what I was thinking.

P: good thing we got the hickers out the area.
Em: we drowned the river but the unsub won't stop fishing.

"He will find his victims elsewhere " Rossi said before the phone call ended.

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