chapter 6

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Tw drinking

" you're a natural " Rossi said to me as both penelope and Derek arrived.

" ow y/n ye she's a wonderful cook. She would alway help our dad in the kitchen. She makes a great lasagna "  penelope said

It's weird hearing her say i cooked with dad since I barely remember what my parents looked like.  Most of my memories are made up or vage images. We'll except the car crash...I remember sitting in the back..

My thoughts stop as the doorbell goes again. I step away from the kitchen and go sit back down. Taking a sip of my wine. 

" ooo poor me a glass too"  I hear emily say. And so I did.

" well y/n I'd love to taste your amazing lasagna someday " Derek said.
" oo love lasagna "Tara said as  she walks in

" it's not that special " I said shyly
" eem yes it is! You always make the pasta lasagna thingy yourself. from scratch!!! And you always make a little extra for me to take home"
Penelope said

" how do you already sound drunk you only took 1 sip of wine" I responded and everyone laughed
I didn't know how to handle that compliment so why not use humor to hide my uncomfort.

The pasta was almost done as jj walked in. " hotch is joining us too. He's just dropping Jack off at my place so he and Henry can gave a little sleep over."

" aww I miss those boys, haven't seen them in so long " I said. I really love those kids.
" I'm sure they miss you 2" jj responded

They probably don't

Later hotch joined and we all ate some pasta. I love it but my head got filled with guilt . I guess that week without food did set back my recovery.
I tried to play it cool and drank up my last glass of wine it was 8pm now.

" oke rossi the pasta was amazing like always but I'm in the mood for an actual night out now. Woop woop"
Penelope said as she was walking to the door.
"Wait penelope, where are you going ?" Jj asked

" to our karaoke bar ofc" and out the door she was.

" well i guesse we better get going"  Tara said while giving everyone there jacked.

None of us well except p drank to much so we were al safe to drive.

We drove out to this karaoke cafe. I dont really like karaoke I rather do my own thing. As a kid I played on my acoustic guitar in high-school and Eva played electric. She thought me how to play electric aswell.

I like singing too but i can't do it infront of people. At least not sober.

Everyone got seated at a table. Hotch and I orderd drinks for everyone.
" can I get 2 shots pls" I asked
I poor those suckers down my throat without any reaction.

" damn the little girl can drink" Derek said
" helps that I started drinking at 15"
I see everyone looking at me

Shit did I say that outloud

"Another shot pls" I ask as I turn away from everyone.

The night was fun, Derek was flexing to some girls. Hotch and emily seemed to have a fun conversation. Spencer was playing his drinking game again.

"Y/n you should play a song!" Penelope said pointing to the guitars and drum set.
" oo idk pen" I say anxious

" I didn't know you could play" hotch said
" yea and she can sing too" Spencer joined in

"Yea let's hear it " the girls said

Dammit peerpressure
I cant say no now

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