chapter 70

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I woke up with a big headache.
"Ouch" I open my eyes and see that I'm still at Rossi's House.

Emily was nowhere to be found.
I look around and see penelope and luke crashed out next to eachother.

Derek was next to me. Crashed out aswell.
Everyone els was gone.

I give derek a push.
"Ugh" he groans.
"Wtf happend? I can't remember shit"
I ask him.
"Penelope got the vodka out of jj, will and the kids left"
His voice made my headache even worse.

I get and woke penelope up by slaming a pillow in her face.
"Woke up p. Why did you think getting us drunk was a good idea. Ow and BTW your snuggling with newbie here"
She turns her head and lies face to face with luke.
"Aahhh!" She yells and falls off the couch.
"Aww! That hurt" both derek and I say at the same time. Followed by luke.

"Ugh what happend?" Luke asked
"I'm looking for emily"
I trow a pillow at his face and stumble around the room.
My closet were all wrong.
And I lost 1 shoe.

I found my way to the kitchen and found emily.

I found my way to the kitchen and found emily

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Emily was sipping a smoothy to sober up.
Rossi walked out too.
"Yall kids Wrecked my house"
"Blame penelope and quite voice please"

Emily filled another glass of that smoothy.
I sip
"Eww it's penelope's recepy"
I make a disgusted face.
"It works. I'll make more"

She takes the blender and everyone joins us in the kitchen. We all scream in pain as emily turned on the blender.
"I know im sorry"

She pours us all a drink.
"I better clean up" Rossi said walking away.
"This is why I never had kids"
"You forgot about joy again" I scream after him and get a punch from derek.
"To loud again" she says to me.

We all drink our smoothy.
"So eem does anybody remember anything?" I ask again.

"I found a video" penelope showed it to us.
We were dancing and singing. Just us the rest had left already.
We pourd down vodka. And jumped on Rossi's couch.
You saw me and emily making out in the back
"Okay thats enough" emily grabbed the phone.

I opend my phone to look at the pictures.

I opend my phone to look at the pictures

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