Chapter 3

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Hunter's pov

"We've performed a lab already now you guys are going to be in pairs to do a report and project of something we've learned about this year."

The teacher blabbed on and I looked at my friend Zeke knowing that I'd partner up with him. Everyone else started yelling across the class to their partners.

"Hey everyone settle down don't get excited because I've already chosen your partners" he said and everyone groaned

Oh god.

I groaned and put my hood back on and put my head on the desk. This is crap.I don't care.
Celeste's pov

I really thought I was going to partner up with Jeremy but no Mr.Howodorwhich had to pick groups already.

But there's still hope. So I crossed my fingers and listened up. I ignored everyone else but then was the moment of truth.

"Jeremy Run and Heather Porter" I sighed and was a little mad.

Then I heard my name. Who on earth did he partner me up with. Probably Ned, Ned and I are always partners.

"Celeste Andrews and Hunter Hays" he said

I frowned and my heart rate picked up speed.

"Me and Hunter?! Mr.H are you mad?" I barked unexpectedly through the class.

"No I'm not. I think you two could be a great team"

"Hell---Mr.H, Hunter and I will never be a great team you thought wrong. Please I'd rather be with Ned over there just not Hays." I pleaded pointing over at the boy.

I could feel his eyes on me, I probably should've waited to complain after class but what's done is done.

"Sorry Celeste I've already made up my mind. Now if I may continue."

I sat down and almost began crying out of frustration. Mr.H has no idea what he has done. I don't wanna work with him. I cannot work with him.

Class was over and I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. Then a hard tight grip on my arm pulled me back.

I could feel my blood circulation coming to a stop. I turned around already knowing who has my arm in such a hard grip.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked Hunter, where did all this attitude come from? I have no clue.

"Watch it." he snarled

I rolled my eyes and tried releasing my arm from his grip.

"Dude if it's about the damn project don't bother. I already have ideas and ill get everything done you can just sit your ass at home you'll get your little credit"

"You think I wanna work with your ugly pathetic arse. I'd rather work with someone whose birth certificate isn't an apology from the condom factory. You being labeled human is just huge coincidence just looking at you for a second makes me want to pull my eyes out of my head and put then in acid, imagine working with you for longer. Oh bloody murder. Come by my house at 3 bring a paper bag to cover your face." He said releasing my arm and walking away.

School was already over and thank god for that. I rushed through the halls through the bunch of kids standing there still talking. I held in the tears as best I could but before I made it outside tears were already streaming down my face. I hope no one sees me crying again.

I rushed to my car in the lot and wiped some of the tears with my sleeve. I felt someone looking so I put my head up and looked out yonder and saw Hunter on his bike looking at me.

After a couple of seconds he left  his motorcycle roaring away. I entered my car and let the tears stream down like a waterfall.

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