chapter 28

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First stop we made was at the food market. We entered and got a cart.

I was heading towards the Sweets section when he pulled my hips back.

"What," I asked "aren't we supposed to get a cake first? "

"What's a party without drinks " he said

I stopped and just blanked out for a second "okay but sodas are right after the pastry section." I said pointing

He smiled and shook his head "You're so innocent it's cute," he said "I mean liquor. " he says

My eyes widen "no no no," I say shaking my head "we're underage " I whisper

"That's why I have this, " he says showing me an ID.

An illegal ID!

"Where did you get that! " I nearly yelled

"A friend of mine made it for me, you'll meet him at the party. He always gets me things that I can't get because of my age." He says

"What a friend.. " I mumble

He chuckles "Let's go " he said

"No way. I don't want to get caught being there" I say

"You won't get in trouble for looking at beer" he said.

"Hunter I don't want to" I said looking down.

He sighed "Alright, we don't have to get them, Let's get the cake" he said.

Wow, he actually listened to me. This is the first time this has ever happened.

We continued on the isle and saw a bunch of pretty cakes. We stood in front of the cakes and I just stared wide eyed. I felt like a little kid again.

"That one's cute " I said pointing to a peter pan themed cake.

"Celeste, I'm not 7 I'm 17 that cake is a no " he said

"But it's so cute! " I said

"I don't want it displayed at the party," he said looking around "how about this one?" He said showing a big Chocolate covered cake with strawberries decorated around it.

"Yeah " I said still looking at the Peter pan cake.

We left the isle with the basic cake he chose. Then we bought a bunch of snacks.

"You can drop me home now, thanks for helping " he said as I sped through the streets.

"Just a second " I said

"Where are you taking me? " he asked

"Your the birthday boy the spotlight of will be on you all night. You need a outfit " I say

"Uh ---no....I have plenty of clothes in my house "

"Shut up Hunter no you don't " I said

I heard him stifle a laugh, "what's so funny? " I asked

"You are princess." He said shaking his head.

Princess. Why was it that he called me princess it made me feel like I was about to explode and become a butterfly.

What is this kid doing to me?

The rest of the drive was silent. Except for the loud heart beats coming from both Hunter and myself.

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