Chapter 32

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I looked up and down the school in search of Celeste. Couldn't find her upstairs or downstairs, in the library or computer lab, in the office I even checked the detention room.

Went back to the parking lot looking for her car but it wasn't there. It's not like she had much friends that I can ask where she has gone. I did tell Jeremy , her only friend to f*** off. Now I can't find her and I know she's upset because of stupid Heather.

Maybe she went home I thought.

I went back outside and took my car to drive home. I took the long way which passed right in front of Celeste house but when I passed her car wasn't there either.

Where on God's green earth could she be?

I drove all the way home and took a shower after the shower I immediately felt drowsy so I went to take a nap.

2 hours later

I woke back up and did all my homework which took a very long time considering I had no idea what I was doing.

After 3 hours in counting of doing my work I finally finished so I went downstairs to the kitchen looking for some grub.

When I got there my mom had just came off of work and was on the phone. I walk to the fridge hearing what she saying.

" she hasn't come home?" My mom asked surprised

" yeah hunters here he's been here since after school I think..." she looks over at me with a raised brow

I nod indicating that I have been here.

" I'm not sure, yeah of course" she hands me the phone and walked upstairs.

" hello?" I say a little questioningly

" yeah this is hunter, may I ask who this is?" The guy sounded worried almost like he was crying

I know I didn't hurt anyones son the past month so I can't be a parent telling me that I hurt their child.

" o hello Mr Andrews, Celeste? No I didn't see her all day today." Why is asking me about her.. she's with him.

"Of Course not sir why would I lie I'm being totally honest she hasn't come to school today. I thought she was with you and your wife... " my heart slowly stops as i hear the news

"Wait so you're saying that she hasn't come home all day like at all?-- last time you saw her was this morning!!" I yelled


" Have you tried calling ? She doesn't pick up.... " What did i do

"Sorry to hear that sir, if you want I can help you find her.. alright I'll call you if I find anything out. No problem goodbye."

I hang up and put the phone down I immediately run to my bedroom and throw on a black t-shirt sweater and joggers grab my car keys and my phone.

" mom I'm going out be back in a tick" I shout heading outside.

I sit in the car for a quick second and think where could she have gone. From this morning to now how far could she have went.

I scratch my head in frustration as nothing sprung.

" oh my gosh, shes ran away and it's all my fault. What if she tried suicide she could have tried suicide what would I do?!" I say out loud.

I start the engine and head for the tallest bridge we have in our city.

I get there I am parked my car somewhere near. I walk the rest of the way towards the bridge looking down for any signs . I don't see any footprints or any paper or any tire marks all I see is big bridge and water.

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