chapter 27

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Celeste pov

In The Morning

I wake up around 8 am. I went out yesterday and bought Hunter some birthday gifts, for today. I know i probably won't be seeing him during his party because ill be out with Ryan so i should just stop by and hand him his gifts.

Even though I don't really think he wants to see me right now, i don't wanna see him yet either considering the fact that he told me he loved me and what not.

I looked over to the corner and saw the big pile of gifts i got him last night... I should just leave them at his doorstep then .

After what seems like hours of contemplating I get up and head to the shower to wash my hair.

After the shower and hair washing I throw on a pair of cut up shorts and the sweater he gave me. I slip on some flip flops and attempt to dry my hair after 30 minutes, I write him a note and grab the gifts to head out .

I walk over there huffing and puffing from all of these gifts .

I wasn't sweating because it was a little chilly out we were just beginning fall, I love the fall so much. I love the smell of the leaves , the chilly weather, the half bare trees and the pretty colors.

I finally make it and I'm trying to put the gift down but all the bags are tangled around me .

I fight my way out the bags and finally put them down. As I'm about to attach the note the door busts open.

" Celeste," he said standing bewildered in front of me " what are you doing? "

I get up looking down at my shoes to avoid any eye contact. " I-uhmm" I began

"Can you look at me when you're talking to me please, and kinda hurry it up because I don't have much time " he said

I looked up and Saw he was dressed to go out somewhere. "I was just dropping off some gifts since it's your birthday " I said

"And you were gonna leave them on the floor? " he asked with a raised brow

"I didn't want to upset you even more" I mumbled putting my head down

"Stop mumbling, " he said lifting my head

He stood there with his hands on my chin looking at me with sorrow and a hint of happiness.

Our eyes locked and my world stopped, he tried tearing his out of mine but he just ended looking back at me.

"GET A ROOM! " someone yelled to us and drove away quickly.

Our eyes departed and he put his hands in his pockets. "Well I'll be going now" I said

"Or you can stay, and help me pick stuff out for the party... " he mumbled but I managed to hear it

"Stop mumbling " I said smiling

He chuckled and messed his hair, I smiled at that and shook my head.

"Well come on, Let's go party shopping " I said.

"Yeah? "

"Yeah man " I said

He picked up his gifts and went inside. He came back outside and we went to my car.

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