Chap 12

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Celeste pov

I gave her a bath using the instructions hunter gave me and I put the lotion on her and put on a cute pair of cat woman pj's on her. After I put her hair in two loose pigtail braids.

I would've just left it out but her hair is really long and soft so it would be easy to get tangled.

"Can you read me something?" she asked as I tucked her into bed

"Yeah" I said going to the book shelf I pulled out a random book.

I walked back over to her bed and sat next to her and began reading Snow White to her.

I was sitting there reading the story and playing with the strands of hairs that weren't in her braids. She dozed off automatically but I still kept reading.

After reading the first three pages someone was coming into the room. It better not be his mom again. This time I'm ready...kinda

Finally the person opened the door and in was Hunter. Well this Hunter was a bit beaten up.

"Dude what happened to your face?" I asked in shock

"Do you really want to know?" he asked coming my way

"I bet I already do" I said shaking my head disapprovingly

He scoffed and sat next to me. Wow Jeremy got in some good punches to bruise his cheek like that. He looked away from me and turned at the little angel sleeping.

He smiled and brushed his hand along her cheek and moved the little hairs that lied on her forehead.

He was so kind and gentle to her. Like that was his baby sheep and he was the happy Shepard. I wonder if that's his child. He does sleep around a lot I wouldn't be surprised if he does have a baby. Then again they don't much look alike except for their eyes.

"What is she for you?' I asked him as he pulls his hands away from her

"My baby sister" he said

I mentally face palmed myself. OF COURSE HIS SISTER! why didn't I think of that? I completely forgot he could have one of those. Wait, she wasn't here when I came over last time.

"She wasn't here when I came over"

"Yeah, she stays over only on weekends."

Oh it's a custody thing

"Your parents are separated? Shouldn't the mother of the child have the weekdays though?" I asked that's how I see them in the movies

"The mother of the child is a crack head so, no"

"Your mom does crack? I thought she only drank"

He chuckled and shook his head

"We have different moms but the same dad. My mother does drink when she gets upset and her mother just does crack and heroine on a daily basis. "

"Is that why I saw all those pills and vitamins in the bag or was that yours?"

He chuckled again "No those were hers, she has epilepsy,ADHD, and eczema so she needs all that stuff to stay cool."

Ohh everything's making sense now!

"So who does she stay with on weekdays if your dad stays here?'

"My dad doesn't live here, he lives back in London he got a job and sends money for us, well for her I give the money he sends for me to my Nana for her."

"So she lives with your Nana and you live with your mom"

"Yeah well I live with my mom and her boyfriend, but that's soon to change because when my birthday comes ill buy my own place and when I'm 18 ill take full custody of her."

I smiled at how much he thought of the little girl's well being and such and wanted to be in her life. That was truly kind of him.

"What's her name?"

"Michelle but you can call her Chelly if you want."

I smiled and looked at his busted cheek. I stood up and pulled him by the arm.

"Let me patch up your face." I said

He got up and we left the room.
Hunter's pov

She looked nice today in that dress and her hair was straight. I only remember seeing her hair like that on the 8th grade dance and she was siting alone all sad. I would've asked her to dance but so many girls were asking me so I never got around to it.

She took the kit and opened an alcohol paper packet. She wiped the little scar on my face with it and I bit down the pain.

"You have a lollipop coming your way" she said mocking the pediatricians

I smiled but that got cut off quick by a shock on my cheek. I winced and backed my face up from her hand.

"O! I'm so sorry!" she apologized

"It's cool" I said sitting back in place

She had her hands covering her mouth still then I saw that she still had the bandage wrap on her wrist. I took her arm off her face and I pulled up the sleeve. She pulled her arm back and pulled down the sleeve.

Does she not remember me seeing this already? I took it back and held her arm tighter. I took off the bandage thing and saw that they were all right. No new cuts just the same old ones I saw before.

"You need to stop" I said

She scoffed and didn't say anything. I stared at her with a brow raised.

"Mhmm whatever." she said pulling down her sleeve.

" 'Whatever?' it's not whatever you need to stop"I said

She just looked at me blankly then walked past me hitting my arm.

"I'm going home" she said in a distance.
We walked in silence all the way to her house. I don't know what I said wrong I only told her to stop it and she looks at me as if I was the problem.

I know she's thinking about Jeremy because she did a really low sigh and that sigh indicates sadness she's not mad because the sigh wouldn't be that low it would be much louder and deeper. I think she's crying also because I heard her sniffling.

"You don't ha--"

"Don't talk" she said cutting me off

What's up with her? What could I have done wrong this time?

We got to her house and she didn't even say bye she just walked straight to the door.

"Don't do anything---" she slammed the door shut cutting me off again

"Stupid." I said to myself

I frowned and walked away. I honestly don't know what I did wrong. She's pissed at me for god knows what when I only tried to help her.

Why are women so complicated?

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