chapter 17

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Hunter's pov (pic of hunter)

Falling asleep was impossible. I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss. I mean it was sudden and out of nowhere but something about her in that moment just pulled me towards her and it just happened.

Feeling her fast paced heart beat against my chest as her breathing hitched when my face got closer to hers. OH MY GOD, i can't believe how much she's got me thinking about her. I can't even sleep for heavens sake. Why must she be so kind, generous, quiet, and so damn beautiful! She thinks she's cursed for having the life that she has but in reality she's cursed with that beautiful face of hers.

I turn to my side and groan in agony, i click the button on my phone and it immediately flashed on nearly blinding me with the bright light, "bloody Mary!", i cry out then adjust my eyes to the light. I look at the time that shone brightly on my phone's lockscreen.

6:45 am, "What the f*ck!" i yelled slamming my phone down on the night stand.

I literally spent the whole bloody night awake thinking about Celeste Andrews. I flipped back and lied on my back staring at the ceiling of my bedroom, soon a smile crept upon my lips like a thief in the nighttime.

Night well spent.


Celeste pov

i woke up so easily today like in one of those Disney movies when the princess wakes up from 100 years of sleep or something. I surprised myself of how graceful i was, my legs tossed around right into my slippers so perfectly my yawn, a very nice yawn not like the usual lion roar that escapes my mouth. Highly unattractive.

I reach for my phone and turn it on, having the slightest hope of receiving a text from Jeremy. I know, Hunter already told him to stay away and all that but he was kinda stubborn so maybe I'd get a text, then again Hunter can get VERY scary. Anyway, i looked at my notifications and i didn't get a single text. All hope i had has been crushed down to the pit of hell.

I shook it off a little then looked at my alarm clock. 12:15 pm, wow i overslept like crazy today. I usually wake up at 9am on weekends not at noon. This has been a little crazy too so maybe the sleep was well deserved. I shrugged my shoulders grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom.

After my shower i put on a slightly oversized mint sweater and a white skirt with little folds on them. I put my hair in a pony and slipped on white sandals that had shiny faux diamonds around it. I grabbed my car keys and wallet and the two overdue library books on my desk. I walked downstairs and grabbed some juice before i left.

"Where are you going Cell?" my mom said creeping up behind me

"Jesus mom, you scared me," i yelled "to the library, these books are way past overdue" i said tapping on the books that lied beneath my free hand

"Mmm, Mrs.Hayes called, said they're expecting you for dinner tonight," my mom said

"Oh yeah, i almost forgot about dinner..." i trailed off

"So what's with this Hunter kid? He walks you home late at night, you wear his sweater it could've been for Jeremy but Jeremy's cologne is softer, and now his mother invites you to dinner. are you guys dating?" she asked standing in front of me

i sigh and roll my eyes "No we aren't dating, we never will. Did you forget that i hate him mom? Remember junior high, yeah so do I. We just had a project and he didn't want anything happening to me at night because it was late so he walked me home, and i only wore his sweater because it was a little cold outside, and i didn't want to be rude to his mom so i accepted the dinner invitation. Don't worry i would never fall for that jerk." i said justifying myself

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