Chap 16

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Celeste pov

We finished our DNA model and it looked pretty good. Kinda realistic almost. We gave each other a high five then put it up somewhere safe.

"Heading home now?" he asked

"Yeah, I just gotta wash my hands and then we can go"

He nodded and I left for the bathroom. I got in there and washed my hands. I took a look in the mirror and saw I was a HOT MESS! how can he let me sit there looking like that and not tell me I was hideous. I immediately put my crazy hair in a pony and I splashed water on my pale face.

I dried my hands and walked out the bathroom feeling a bit satisfied on how I looked . I was about to go to Hunter's room to tell him I'm ready to go when someone opened a door almost hitting me in the face.

Out walked his mom, I was cautious thinking she might be drunk and try to kill me again. She turned around saw me standing there ready to take action.

"Oh child! you frightened me" she said smiling

"I'm sorry" I said

She looked at me for a brief moment taking everything about me. I did the same to her. She evidently wasn't drunk today. She looked nice she has barely any wrinkles. I think I see where Hunter gets his looks from, she was a pretty woman. Her eyes were green and her hair was long and black. Her face nice and round.

"Ah, I'm guessing your Celeste" she said


"Oh Hunter talks about you so much! Finally nice to meet you, you're a pretty one. Nice and innocent, you're a keeper eh Hunter?" she said

I looked and saw Hunter by his bedroom door.

"No mother it's nothing like that!" he said getting a tad red

"You better! She's much better than that slut McKenna you brought here last time. That girl was a loud mouthed b-"

"OKAY! mother lets calm down" he said cutting her off

I giggled at how open she was and how Hunter was all jumpy.

"Celeste over here is a beautiful intelligent one. Hunter you better grab her before some other chump does" she said poking his arm

I blushed a little and saw Hunter also red of embarrassment

"We're leaving mother, see you in a tick" he said pulling me down the stairs

"Bye Celeste,come for dinner tomorrow night! Hurry back Hunter" she yelled after us

"Alright" we yelled back to her.

We got outside and Hunter was chuckling and I smiled to myself.

"Sorry, about, my mother" he said scratching his head

"It's okay, she's funny"

"And you don't have to come to dinner tomorrow, if you don't want"

"Yeah right! I'm coming" I said giggling.

We walked in silence for a while and we walked really slowly. Our hands brushed against each other and I didn't understand what I was feeling inside for a moment.

"You can stand up for yourself you know. You don't have to always let people talk down to you and disrespect you, if you don't like something say so." he finally said

"You think I don't want to? I just can't. It's much easier to cry and cut then to yell and hit."

"Well you need to stop that too,"

"As long as you stop."


"Yes you, I told you you're the only reason why I do it. You're always being a mean arrogant asshole. If you stop being mean ill stop cutting. I actually like this Hunter than the one that's at school."

He chuckled and messed his hair, "I don't wanna be mean, it's just that I'm Hunter Hays the big Volleyball player. Everyone looks up to me and I'm the face of the school everyone expects me to be a bad ass douche."

"You don't have to be. You can always be the school superstar and be a good guy,"

He scoffed and ruffled his hair again "Just stop picking on me then..." I said quietly

"Deal." he said smiling

I nodded and we walked the rest of the way in silence. I didn't mind the silence it was quite soothing. I could collect my thoughts but I wasn't. I was focusing on how, every step we took our hands brushed against each other until finally we were holding hands for about 4 seconds. This happened every single time.

"I'm here," I said stopping in front of my house

"Ok, well it was nice working with you, see you for dinner?" he asked hesitantly

"Yup, It was nice working with you too." I said smiling.

He smiled awkwardly and ruffled his hair again. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"What?" he asked smiling

"You keep messing your hair, it won't get any messier Hunter" I said laughing

He laughed also "its uh, a bad habit" he said about to do it again but he stopped himself and we laughed again

"No no, it's uh, it's kinda cute" I said not realizing until after

He chuckled and bit his lip as he looked away. He looked so hot but I was so embarrassed I couldn't even look at him.I know my face is probably tomato red.

"I-Im gonna go inside now," I said

"Yeah, alright bye," he said I could hear the smile in his voice

"Bye." I said and sped walked to my door.

I got inside and face palmed myself. "It's kinda cute? Who says that Celeste, Who! oh my god you're such and idiot!"

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