5 | ❝What Love Feels Like❞ - Niki

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✎ v. what love feels like

 what love feels like╚══════════════════╝

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"I'm nervous." You admitted to Riki, walking hand in hand towards the beach. He looked back at you, blocking the bright sun with his hand.

"It's okay... even if we mess up, it'll still be fun cause we're together." He smiled boyishly, making you giggle and squeeze his hand a little tighter.

It was your first proper date together after he asked you out 2 weeks ago. The first one where you actually went somewhere special. You had spent hours upon hours together at each other's houses talking, but something about going to the beach felt more official. Like you were putting in a proper effort to be a good couple.

"Want to get some ice cream?" You suggested, seeing the ice cream truck that was selling it on the side of the road by the beach. Riki agreed, and you got 2 cones - 1 chocolate for Riki, and 1 mint chocolate for you.

"How can you eat that?" Your boyfriend questioned, eyeing your cone of mint chocolate ice cream like it would jump out and attack him.

"It's refreshing." You shrugged, licking the ice cream with a smile.


"You're strange." You giggled.

Once you were both sitting down on a blanket in the sand, you looked like the most perfect couple. Your clothes were even matching, with you wearing a white sundress, and Riki wearing a white mesh shirt over a white tank top. Your hair was down, gently blowing with the wind, and the sight made Riki blush.

With the sun shining down, and the waves lapping at the shore softly, it was a relaxing afternoon. There weren't that many people on the beach since it wasn't a well-known spot.

"Take my hand." Riki said excitedly, holding out his hand for you to stand up. Once you took it, he started running towards the water, and you both ended up knee deep in the ocean, you yelling in protest, and Riki letting out the most adorable, contagious laughter that you couldn't help but join him in.

"Riki! I'm all wet now..." You looked down at the hem of your sundress that was now dripping with water.

"So? You look pretty." Was the only thing he responded with before splashing you with more water.

Your jaw dropped at his audacity, your entire body now soaking wet. So you returned the favour, using your hands to push water onto him, making even his hair start to drip from the ocean water.

"I deserved that." He laughed, walking over to you to wrap his arms around your dripping figure.

You tilted your head so you could look up at his face in the hug, his long brown hair letting water droplets roll down onto his face. You pushed some of his hair to the side, admiring his smile full of adoration for you.

"You know that thing... that couples do?" You hesitantly started, blush creeping up to your cheeks at your thoughts.

"What? Like hugs? But I'm hugging you right now." Riki hugged you a bit tighter, just to show you that he was in fact doing it, but you shook your head.

"Not hugs..."

"Then what?" He asked softly. His question seemed to linger in the air, and all was quiet except for the calming sounds of the waves on the shore.

You took a breath, making eye contact with Riki, and standing up on your tiptoes. Your eyelids fluttered shut, as you softly made contact with his lips, catching him by surprise.

His breath was taken away, as his cheeks flared a bright red. He closed his eyes, kissing you back as the butterflies went wild in his stomach. You pulled out, letting out a laugh and looking back to his face.

"Was that your first kiss?" You asked teasingly, giggling as his cheeks turned a brighter shade of pink.

"What?! N-no, of course not..." He looked away, feeling embarrassed.

"Hey." Your voice was soft as he looked back at you, "You're a good kisser." You said shyly.

"Really?" You nodded, smiling, before attempting to step back a bit.

"Wait- Don't pull away... not yet." Riki stopped you, wrapping his arms around you again to stop you from leaving.

You glanced back at his face, your eyes sending him silent playful questions like, 'why don't you want me to leave?', or 'is this what love feels like?', and even 'can I kiss you again?'.

The last one he took action on, as he leaned down again, lips meeting yours for a second time. You were both laughing by the time you pulled apart again. The sight was almost too cliche to be real - the kind of thing you would picture when you think of young love.

That's what it was, Riki decided.


He was in love with you.

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