8 | ❝Skater Boy❞ - Jake

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✎ xiii. skater boy

Your boyfriend was good at skating

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Your boyfriend was good at skating. Like really good. You often came along with him to the skate park to watch him do tricks, but today you wanted to try it out for yourself. So after 10 minutes of watching Jake ride around the skate park, you asked him.

"Babe, could you teach me how to skate too?"

Jake slowed down on his board, eventually coming to a stop right in front of you, "You want to?" He smiled widely, his excitement already clear.

You nodded and hopped down, "It can't be that hard, right?"

Jake nodded, stepping off the board and pushing it over to you where you caught it with your foot. "Just step on it and I'll make sure you don't fall." He instructed, holding your hands while you got both feet on the board.

You thought you would be able to balance pretty easily. The way Jake effortlessly skated around the park made you think you would be able to do the same in no time. The concept should be simple, right?

You tried to move on the board, using one foot to get momentum from the ground. Jake still held your hands, paranoid that you might fall if he didn't. You didn't have the best track record for balancing, after all.

After slightly teetering you managed to travel a couple of feet. Jake still held onto your hands, but less tightly than before. You thought you must be a natural at it, because within 10 minutes you could skate around without Jake's help.

The breeze blew through your hair and gave you butterflies in your stomach. It was exhilarating. You regretted not asking Jake to teach you sooner. You got a bit daring after another 10 minutes of skating smoothly. You wanted to be faster and feel like you were racing along the track, so you tried to pick up more speed.

With a couple big pushes with your left foot, you soon gathered up enough speed to feel like you were flying. You looked over at Jake with a big smile, and he mirrored your expression. He was proud of you for figuring it out so quickly. He would have to teach you some tricks soon as well.

You kept your eyes on Jake, watching his proud expression and puppy-like smile. He had the power to take up all of your attention, like you were under some form of hypnosis. He was the only thing you wanted to look at. So, of course, you didn't see the rocks you were about to ram into until it was too late.

You crashed.

The skateboard zoomed out from under your feet and your legs scraped against the pavement as you fell to the ground. You heard Jake's worried shouting, his voice slowly getting clearer and louder as he ran towards you.

You were sure your knee would be bleeding, but you didn't expect the countless scrapes on your calves as well. Everything burned and stung, and you couldn't stop the tears forming in your eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked urgently. He got you sitting upright and glanced at your leg. There was a small trickle of blood travelling down from under your jeans. Your jeans were ripped at the knee, and all Jake could see was red through the rip.

"Tell me where it hurts." He coaxed, rubbing small circles on your back to distract from the excruciating pain.

"Mostly just my knee." You told him, gasping as you tried to move your leg and all that followed was a sharp shock of pain.

"Hey, it'll be okay." He assured you. He gently rolled up the pant leg of your jeans, careful not to touch your knee. Once it was fully uncovered, you both saw the full injury.

Jake sighed, "I think I have a first aid kit in my car. Can you wait right here? I'll only take 2 minutes."

You nodded, offering him a pained smile as reassurance. He ran off but was back in an instant. In his hands he held the red first aid kit. He knelt down beside you again.

He opened the box, eyes widening at everything it held inside, "To be honest... I've never used this before-" He hesitantly grabbed some gauze, "I'll try to figure it out. Here," He held out his hand to you, lacing his fingers with yours, "Just squeeze my hand real hard if it hurts too much."

He pressed the gauze gently on the wound, wiping up all the blood and stopping the bleeding. You closed your eyes, enduring the pain as best you could and keeping a tight grip on your boyfriend's hand.

"I'm gonna pour some of my water on it to try to wash it out, okay?"

Treating it didn't take too long, and soon Jake was grabbing a long piece of gauze and wrapping it carefully around your knee, tying a knot tightly to secure it on.

You watched him with a smile. He always took the best care of you. Even though there was still slight stinging, all you could seem to focus on was Jake. His brown hair fell just above his focused eyes, and the muscles in his forearm were clearer than before. He was absolutely beautiful.

"You look so kissable right now." You let the thoughts in your head slip out as Jake finished with the bandage.

He looked up, puppy dog eyes landing on yours. His lips curved into a smile which soon turned into a shy laugh. God, he was so cute.

"Come here." He whispered, opening up his arms wide. You obliged, slipping into them and landing a short kiss on his lips as you did.

"I hope this doesn't ruin skating for you. You did really well, babe."

"I still had fun." You told him, leaning in slightly again. He just looked too good to resist.

He giggled once more at your cuteness, pressing his lips to yours happily for a second kiss. It lasted longer this time, with you relaxing into his arms fully and the kiss successfully distracting you from your aching leg.

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