10 | ❝Microwaved Strawberries❞ - Niki

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✎ x. microwaved strawberries

 microwaved strawberries╚══════════════════╝

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"Y/n! I'm bleeding! I'm dying!"

You glanced up from your computer, contemplating whether to go save your "dying" boyfriend or finish your essay that was due in 2 hours.


You sighed, pressing the save button and shutting your laptop, "It's 10 am, babe. How did you manage to kill yourself already?!" You called out, walking to the kitchen where you found your boyfriend. He was standing over the counter, staring at his hand dramatically.

You glanced down at the counter. There was a piece of paper towel laid on it with two mangled strawberries and the bluntest pairing knife in the kitchen stabbed into one of them.

"Why'd you use this knife?" You grabbed it out from the poor strawberry and placed it in the sink. Niki started whining about how you cared more about the strawberry that was stabbed than him and you rolled your eyes playfully.

"Your beloved boyfriend is bleeding! Don't you care?" He gave you his best puppy eyes, and you grabbed his hand, inspecting his "wound". The smallest cut you had ever seen was on his pointer finger, and a mere drop of blood was all that was coming out of it.

"Run your finger under some water and it'll probably stop bleeding. If you can even call that bleeding..." You wanted to laugh at how ridiculous the situation had turned out to be, but your boyfriend followed your instructions within an instant.

"How come you were attempting to cut up strawberries?"

"I thought they would microwave better if they were cut...?" You couldn't hold back your laughter at that answer.

"You and your microwaved strawberries..." You wrapped an arm around your boyfriend's waist, hugging him to you. "Did your finger stop bleeding?"

"Y-yeah, I think it's fine." He stumbled over his words slightly and you looked up. His ears had turned bright red, rivalling the colour of the strawberries.

You smiled, "I have to go finish my essay. Good luck with your strawberries." You rose on your tiptoes, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

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