13 | ❝Boyfriend❞ - Sunoo

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✎ xiii. boyfriend


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"You like Y/n." Jake said confidently, cornering the younger boy as he got out his textbooks from his locker.

"No way." Sunoo responded coolly, not letting any hint of nervousness seep into his tone. He had gotten good at it. Maybe a little too good?

"You're gonna be single for the rest of high school if you keep rejecting every single girl in the entire building." Jake pointed out. Sunoo just shrugged and shut his locker, careful to block any view of the hearts on the inside of it. That would definitely give him away.

"I'll catch you later. I've got a lot of homework." Sunoo made up the excuse and started jogging off before Jake could get another word in edgewise. He let the speed of his legs gradually increase until he was running to the side of campus to your usual secluded spot.

Sunoo felt a shiver of guilt run up his spine when he saw you sleeping against the tree. You must've been tired waiting all this time for him. He would've escaped from Jake and Heeseung sooner, but they were determined to buy lunch for him and talk to him about how he didn't get any bitches.

If only they saw him now.

He smiled and knelt down quietly, careful to not wake you up as he dropped his bag and sat next to you. He removed your open notebook from your hands and set it aside. Discarding his loose overshirt, he draped it around your shoulders instead and then gently pushed your shoulder until your head lay comfortably on his shoulder. You shifted slightly, but didn't wake up, just snuggling closer to Sunoo's neck, your lips dipping up into a soft smile when you could smell his cologne.

Sunoo liked these moments the most. It was peaceful and quiet. The sky was clear with a few fluffy clouds dotting the bright blue. The sun would have been a bit too bright, but the tree you two sat under provided excellent shade.

Sunoo glanced down at your notes and textbooks that laid in front of you. Unit 7 of Science was open in the textbook that both you and Sunoo despised. All the words seemed to blend together until Sunoo eventually shut the book so he didn't have to subject himself to the past horrors of it.

He was hoping to take you on a date, but he wouldn't wake you up. He didn't have the willpower to do that, ever. Even if you'd complain once you woke up that he should've, you looked way too peaceful sleeping for him to disturb it. The ice cream date he had planned could wait while you got a quick nap in. Sunoo was happy to be your pillow, anyway. A much better pillow than the tree, might he add.

You stirred soon anyway from a group of students passing by the path closeby, though your spot was still hidden. Sunoo glared in the general direction of it, as if his gaze could pierce through the thick bushes and hit the freshmans making all the ruckus.

You lifted your head off of Sunoo's shoulder and he looked back at you, smiling cheekily at your drowsy and slightly puffy face. You looked the cutest when just waking up, Sunoo decided.

"Have a good dream?"

You shrugged with a yawn, "Don't really remember what it was about. Probably all just scientific facts and equations, to be honest."

Sunoo scoffed, "You didn't dream of me?" He faked being hurt so well that you were almost convinced that he actually was.

"I can't control my dreams, dumbass."

"But what if you could?" Sunoo tilted his head to the side, bright eyes staring at your tired ones.

"Why do you want to be in my dream?" You questioned suspiciously, face scrunching up.

"Cause I'm your boyfriend, obviously." Sunoo fired back, offended.

"Oh, you are, are you? Since when?"

"Since forever." Sunoo insisted, keeping his straight face on for an impressively long amount of time. You had honestly expected him to crack before now.

"Really?" You giggled, and that finally did it. He couldn't suppress his smile for any longer, and soon the euphoric laughter filled the air around you. You threw yourself back into his chest, muffling your laughter into his T-shirt.

He caught you in his arms and squeezed you tightly, making sure you couldn't run away, even though you never would. And it was in little moments like these that Sunoo truly realised how lucky he was to have you. You made him smile and laugh. You were the one he could joke around with and not keep anything from. You were the one who made him happy.

"Now that you're awake, want to grab some ice cream? I wanted to take you for lunch, but Jake wouldn't leave me alone."

"Of course. How could I say no to my boyfriend?" You said with a teasing tone and growing smile.

Soon, your bag was packed up and in Sunoo's hand (since he insisted on carrying it as a good boyfriend would). His free hand laced with yours and smiles never left your face as your date officially started.

"Hey, hey, look!" Heeseung nudged Jake, pulling his attention away from his phone and up to the distant figures of Sunoo and you, holding hands and walking off together.

"I told you they were dating!" Jake said exasperatedly at the sight, letting out a sigh, "How long has Sunoo hid this from us?!"

Heeseung laughed, "Who knows?"

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