Back to Azur Lane

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Hey there.

Small chapter.

Let's go!


"Ahahaha! Run, you little shit, run, aha!"  

Kohaku was skimming over the ocean surface at high speed with his sword drawn, deflecting attack after attack by a deranged Purifier. Her companions, Tester and Observer, watched from a distance with amusement.

"I'm not running! I can't stand the sight of you!" Kohaku called back with a grin. 

"Eh? what!... Ahahaha... I'm going to enjoy this!" Purifier shouts with a grin as she charges up her cannon and shoots again, only for Kohaku to swing around and slash with his sword deflecting her shot back at her; Purifier's eyes widen as she dodges, and the returned shot flies past her hitting the unsuspecting Observer in the head, knocking her off her platform and into the ocean. 

"Gah!" *Splash*

Purifier and Tester stopped moving and stared at the downed Observer, splashing in the water with wide eyes.

"Oh! Oh crap!" Kohaku quickly retreats while his perusers are distracted.

"Purifier, How could you betray us like that? *Giggle* Look at what you've done to poor Observer!" Tester was snickering at the shocked look Purifier had while laughing at the soaking-wet Observer, who had climbed back onto her platform with an insane grin.

"Purifier! stop standing there and kill him!" Observer screams and points to where Kohaku is. All three turn and see that Kohaku has vanished. 

"Ehehehahahaha!" Observer was lounging on her platform and laughing manically. 

Tester was looking around with an amused smile. 

Purifier looked furious with her wide yellow eyes and insane smile, which showed too many teeth to be considered normal. Purifier whispered through grit teeth and a wide smile. "You'll pay for that, Boy!" 

"You're explaining this to Empress, Purifier!" Tester called out, making Purifier pale.


Back with Kohaku, who was gracefully skimming over the ocean as fast as possible, he could only smirk as he heard the manic furious scream of Purifier in the distance. 

It seems Empress never got over her humiliation. During the war between Azur Lane and Crimson Axis, Kohaku had met with the Siren Empress and played her little game. He had given her the infamous black wisdom cube they were all seeking. 

In exchange, she gave him the schematics for unique Siren anti-air ammunition. He may not have good anti-ship weapons, but he can now make Eagle Union ships blush in envy with his vastly improved AA coverage. 

Empress discovered too late that the pretty black wisdom cube was just a modified kid's nightlight projector placed in a plastic cube. 

In front of hundreds of Sirens, The Siren Empress had been scammed.

Scamming came easy for Kohaku as it did for his dear sister. All he had to do was act like a love-struck kit when meeting the Empress and pretending to do what she wished. She believed him to be naive and easy to manipulate. 

What a naive Siren Empress.

Kohaku fondly remembered his meeting with the Empress. She was gullible but was undoubtedly a beauty... In his first meeting, he almost gave into his instincts and wanted to shout out, 'step on me, mommy', but he was strong; he would not be a simp!

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