Softer Side

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Hey there.

Let's get back to it. 


Kohaku had found himself in a large office, standing in front of a large wooden desk behind which the Admiral was sitting. A rather large man with a hint of a pot-belly, dark stubble on his face and a fancy naval uniform. 

The Shikikan of Azur Lane was standing to the Admiral's left and was a pale, tall man but thin, slicked-back black hair and deep blue eyes. He gave Kohaku a horrible feeling. Of course, he preferred the Shikikan stationed at the Sakura Empire, but that's not saying much. He had yet to meet a Shikikan of any faction that didn't put him on edge. 

On the Admiral's right were Enterprise and Belfast. Enterprise had not taken her eyes off him the entire time he set foot on the naval base, and Belfast had stood to her side after serving tea to everyone. Belfast was the only one that didn't look offended by his existence. 

"IJN Kohaku, stop staring at Belfast and pay attention!" The Shikikan snapped at Kohaku with annoyance. 

"Huh? Oh! I wasn't staring at her like you do when she isn't looking, Shikikan... I was merely expressing concern at how tired she looks." Kohaku shows concern to the head maid, who blushes at the attention and decides to look at Shikikan with a pointed look.

Enterprise tore her eyes away from Kohaku and looked at the Shikikan with suspicion, which made the Shikikan glare at the Kitsune with barely restrained anger. 

"What the hell is that suppose to mean!" Shikikan barked at the fox as the Admiral rubbed his temples, trying to stop a growing headache. It was always like this when Kohaku appeared. 

"I'm just saying! You always leer at her when she bows or turns away from you, don't blame me because you got caught." Kohaku stated facts. Most Shikikans were closest perverts. He would admit he likes looking as much as the next male, but at least it's not leering. 

The Admiral looks at the Shikikan with a raised brow, and Enterprise continues to look disgusted, followed swiftly by Belfast. Kohaku decided to continue. 

"My dear sister, Akashi told me you spent a hefty amount of Wisdom Cubes and Gems on custom Belfast 'merchandise'," Kohaku stated, sounding sarcastic about the 'merchandise' and glared at the sweating Shikikan. 

Enterprise and Belfast clearly didn't trust the Shikikan initially, but now they certainly had no interest in being near him after hearing that. Enterprise had trouble restraining herself, so Belfast had to hold her arm.

"As anyone would ever believe that nasty little-" Shikikan snorted in anger before halting at the glare and bared teeth the Kansen male was giving him. Admiral looked on in interest, as did the two ship girls; Belfast smiled and blushed a little. 

"*Growl* Careful, Shikikan... That's my sister you're about to insult" Kohaku bares his two sharp fangs at the sweating man, who decides to keep his mouth shut. Finally, the Admiral looking between both parties, chose to speak.

"If you're both done?" 

"Yes, Admiral," Shikikanl replied meekly. 

Kohaku continues to glare.

"Kohaku... are you done?" Admiral asked firmly. 

"For now..." Kohaku looks away from the Shikikan and smiles at Belfast and Enterprise. 

"*Sigh* Kohaku, why are you here." The Admiral asks. 

"Supplies, mostly... and I got some rare items to sell!" Kohaku smiles brightly at the four in front of him, all looking at him in annoyance. 

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