Man's Best Friend

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"Ugh..." Kohaku groaned in discomfort as his eyes opened, adjusting to the light above him. A dreadful, pained feeling shot through his nose, which he clutched with shock, "What the hell!"

"Oh! You're up, Hehe..." 

Turning to the entrance, Kohaku saw Fubuki staring at him with a nervous smile. Flashes of his previous actions surged through his mind, and new emotions other than discomfort and confusion welled inside him.

Anger and humiliation.

"Here, let me look at your nose," Fubuki slowly approached him with an ice pack in her hands, but she stopped when he bared his teeth at her and growled.

"Stay the hell away from me!"

Staring at him with wide eyes, "W-what?"

He backed away from the human until his back was against the far wall. 


Does she have no idea what he almost did to her? Fubuki was lucky another Kansen appeared when they did; otherwise... But because another Kansen appeared, he would be further vilified by everyone.

"Kohaku, I don't blame you!" Fubuki pleaded, taking a step forward.

"Come near me, and I'll bite you." Growling as his tails whacked the metal wall behind him forcefully.

"You bite her, and I'll send you to the bottom of the ocean, comrade," Kohaku watched the beautiful woman that punched him before entering the room, pat Fubuki on the shoulder and coming to stand in front of her to shield her. Gangut's larger frame efficiently protects the more petite human woman.

"I'll bite you too!"

"Heh... Just try it, little fox," Gangut smiles cheekily in a challenge.

Fubuki looks past Gangut and quietly watches the staring contest between the two.

"Hahaha! For a pansy Sakura ship, you sure are stubborn, comrade," Gangut's smile widens, and she puts her hands on her hips, puffing out her chest proudly. 

Kohaku's glare holds firm. He's not sure whether to be angry or annoyed. The simple-minded battleship was only protecting her moronic Commander from him.


His eyes shift to the mostly concealed Commander.

"Mmmm!" Fubuki's voice was cut off when Gangut smirked and wrapped her arm around her, muffling her voice completely.

"Comrade Commander here was very worried for you. She has been by your side since I put you to bed, so be kind to her, Da?" Fubuki squirmed in Gangut's grip and yelped indignantly as the larger woman ruffled her hair.

Kohaku frowned at them both and sighed heavily, "Whatever, I'm not even mad."

"Ha! Comrade, your lack of humour is good, Da?" Gangut grins at him while still holding Fubuki tightly.

Before Kohaku could even comment, Gangut comes toward him and throws Fubuki into his chest with a heavy "Oof!" from her.

Kohaku stared wide-eyed as Fubuki was thrown into him with little concern for her wellbeing. He froze as Fubuki tightly wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into his chest. 

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