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It's another chapter of fun things, nothing serious.

Take a shot every time you see the word Cosplayers.

Let's go ahead and get back to it.


"War... War never changes."

The Admiral, now in his own house, scoffed at the TV  screen. He lounged in the dark, playing Fallout 3 to wind down after a busy few days.

Fallout 3 is the greatest of the Fallout series.

"War doesn't change? How about turning warships into girls? Is that change enough for you developers!" He shouted at the screen as he listened to the game's intro.

"Hehe, I didn't know you felt so strongly about these things, Admiral."

The Admiral scowled at the shipgirl who invaded his home and made herself comfortable beside him.

"This is my time, Long Island, so shut it!"

Long Island rolled her eyes and continued to watch her phone in relative silence if the munching on snacks counted as silence.

A few minutes later...

"You ever wondered what would happen if we dropped an atom bomb on IJN Kohaku?"

Long Island looked blankly at the Admiral for his random question, "Wow, someone's sensitive today."

"I'm not sensitive," The Admiral growls.

"You're asking what would happen if we dropped one of those big bombs on a single Kansen, a very specific Kansen, that screams there is a sensitive topic to be discussed."

From her position, she could see the Admiral's jaw clenching and his grip on the console controller tightening. She could hear the plastic struggle under his grip.

"You know we are on the verge of another civil war, right?" He grunted.

"War game?"

"Civil War!"

"Same thing, Admiral," Long Island shrugged, not bothered by the Admiral's furious look.

"Enlighten me then! How is it the same?"

"Hehe, oh Admiral, let me answer that with a question: how many Kansen died during the last war between Azur Lane and Crimson Axis?"


"Exactly. We shoot each other and cause damage, but how else will we gain real battle experience? It's not like the Sirens are reliable. We see them maybe a few times a month?"


"We vent our frustrations on each other, and then we return better than ever when the Sirens come knocking."

"But Bismarck..." The Admiral started.

"Bismarck is a Tsundere that, unfortunately, values strength in the form of action. Kohaku has annoyed Bismarck too often to be ignored, and her only way of punishing him is to intimidate us. She had no choice but to put on a big show by threatening war to appear strong, but in reality, Bismarck is a big softy who wants to meet Kohaku. She's just too shy to admit it."

"And If she does declare war and attacks?"

"She won't."

"But if she does?"

"She won't," Long Island looks up and smiles at the Admiral.

The Admiral sighs loudly, "Why does she want to meet Kohaku?"

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