Dammit, Enterprise!

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No pictures Today. I couldn't find one that stuck out.

Let us get back to it!


Back in Azur Lane after Kohaku fled.

The Admiral pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance at what he had just witnessed. The ridiculous amount of paperwork this would cause didn't bear thinking about. The Shikikan stared quietly, still trying to avoid drawing attention to himself and would hide behind other shipgirls when Warspite was close by.

"*Cough, cough* What's on your mind, Admiral."

The Admiral looked to his right to see Amagi standing at his side, watching the Iron Blood girls trying to help Roon. Looking past Amagi momentarily, he saw Akagi and Kaga standing nearby. He didn't miss the two women watching him from the corner of their eyes.

Subtle but not subtle enough. The Admiral smiled to himself. You don't get to his age without knowing how to avoid crazy chicks or foxes, in this case. It's a reason he's lasted as long as he has.

Those two are being very protective... Amagi looks at him and smiles politely. There is a hint of mirth in her eyes. Amagi must have noticed him staring at her overprotective sisters with trepidation but said nothing.

"On my mind? Too much..." Admiral joked, looking away from the dangerous fox women.

"Care to share, dear Admiral?"

"Besides the fact, the most elusive Kansen just fled? *Sigh* The Admiralty will cut our budget again for this."

"Haha... Trust me, Admiral. Your budget being cut is not nearly as bad as the tax increase the Sakura Empire is facing; the cost of living has tripled!" Amagi giggles, but her smile looks strained.

"Don't even mention that little rat, Nee-sama!" Akagi interjected loudly.

"Akashi is the root of all evil..." Kaga muttered to herself.

Akagi and Kaga are silenced when Amagi smiles at them. Admiral and Shikikan could only stare at the three silently. With this hold over the two... If only Amagi had been around earlier, she could have stopped Akagi from making stupid deals with the Sirens.

Admiral had an idea what Amagi was hinting at. When Kohaku was disgraced and sent away, it was said his sister Akashi took it personally and is currently holding the Sakura Empire hostage financially.

It is a sore topic for any Sakura Empire Kansen... It's best not to mention it in polite conversation.

Amagi returned to the Admiral after silently scolding her sisters, "*Cough, cough* But that's neither here nor there. *Cough* We overheard your conversation with Kohaku a few minutes ago. He said he would be back, did he not?"

"...He did..."

"So why worry?" Amagi tilted her in in confusion.

"Let me answer that with a question. Why are you here? Why are the Iron Blood here? The Royal Navy?"

Amagi giggles behind her hand, "I guess we aren't very subtle, are we?"

The Admiral smiles with nostalgia, "If there's anything I've learned about you Shipgirls in my years of service, it's the Shipgirl's inability to hide their motives and emotions effectively."

"*Cough* Are we so easy to read?"

"You all wear your hearts on your sleeve, even Enterprise! That girl needs to know when to take a nap!" The Admiral chuckles.

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