A Memorable Tea Party

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It's a slightly shorter chapter, but I have a busy week ahead, So I just wanted the last few hours of my day to relax and enjoy it while I could.

There is a light-hearted chapter ahead, but nothing too serious.

Slightly lewd Warspite. Very slight!

Let's get back to it.



Warspite jumps, almost spilling her tea at the loud voice to her right. Queen Elizabeth looks at her with narrowed eyes, annoyed she had to repeat herself.

"Warspite, are you well?" A softer voice opposite her on the large round table draws her attention. King George siped her tea but watched Warspite with concerned eyes. 

"Oh... Ah, yes! I'm fine, thank you," Warspite smiled politely at King George but stared intently at the cup in her hands. She dared not look up anymore. Multiple eyes trained on her from around the table, most notably her sisters Queen Elizabeth and Valiant.

Lady Hood sat to her right and hid a smirk behind her teacup, eyes scanning her with palpable amusement. Warspite could see Hood's smirk in the corner of her eye, but why was nobody interested in that?  

Why was she the main attraction?!

"You're very airheaded today, oh sister of ours. Usually so vigilant in the Queen's protection, but your head is in the clouds today," Valiant asked curiously, staring at Warspite like a puzzle to be solved.

"W-W-What?" Warspite sputtered on her tea, her ears flattened.

Hood's enchanting giggles gained everyone's attention, even the maids, "Don't listen to them, Lady Warspite; you're positively glowing with happiness."

Warspite shrunk into her seat, blushing.

"Nyahaha, hot date?" Cheshire's laugh startled everyone but Hood. 

King George and Prince of Wales choked on their tea, Hood laughed merrily, and her two sisters stared furiously at the feline maid. The maids around the room looked at Cheshire with shock and amusement, except Belfast, who smiled and gave Warspite a wink when their eyes met briefly.

"N-No! I was thinking of new ways to prevent Sirens from entering the base!" Warspite babbled with a slight stutter.

"Interesting... and what strategies have you come up with?" Valiant interrogates gently, her eyes narrowing.

Warspite curses and thinks swiftly, but every time she tries to come up with an idea, flashes of her night with Kohaku come to mind. The very thought of it makes her core clench wantonly, and she almost lets out a whimper in front of her Queen sister and ladies of the Royal Navy.

Battleships shouldn't wish to be torpedoed, and yet all Warspite could think of was her three weaknesses being exploited.

Bad Warspite! So lewd!

"Well?" Valiant huffs with impatience, pulling Warspite out of her depravity.

Warspite growled. If she can't whimper, she will growl. "I said I was thinking of new ways, but I have yet to come up with any," Warspite snapped slightly. Everyone stares at Warspite in surprise. Their dutiful guardian is barking at her sister. 

Whatever next. 

Queen Elizabeth had been watching Warspite from the moment she entered the room; she was distracted and quiet, more so than usual, and now she was snapping at her sister. Queen Elizabeth was about to say something, but someone entered the room, gaining everyone's attention.

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