Starter Ship

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I'm almost finished with training!

Let's get back to it.


Upon noticing all the girls on the docks staring at him with mixed emotions, Shock, intrigue, and arousal, among many others, Kohaku did the one thing he could do in this strange situation forced upon him.

He sailed away from Azur Lane with as much dignity as he could... He ran away...

Not because he was a coward and couldn't face them but for both theirs and his safety. His rut could make him feral and highly unpredictable. If any of the girls were to approach him, he couldn't guarantee their safety.

It wasn't a risk worth taking.

He would return when his rut was over, but until then, it was best to stay away from them. He had already sent a message to the Admiral informing him he would return soon but had some personal matters to attend to.

The Admiral was reluctant but agreed, promising none of the Shipgirls would chase after him. The call was suspiciously absent of the Shikikan. Kohaku assumed he would have had a complaint to make, but he guessed Warspite's methods shook him slightly.

Kohaku sighed at the thought of Warspite, her shocked expression as he bolted from the port as fast as he could. Warspite attempted to chase after him but was not even close to being fast enough.

His last glimpse of Warspite was Sheffield and Belfast holding her back and blockading her from leaving the port. Kohaku didn't know if it was purely out of worry for him or if her mind was as clouded as his.

So here Kohaku was... In the middle of the ocean alone and sat on top of the bridge, looking out into the vast blue nothing.

"Heh... Like a painted ship upon a painted ocean..." Kohaku spoke aloud to himself as he finished off another bottle of Oxy-Cola.


He lowered his head and sighed, knowing exactly what had just happened. His ship was him; he could feel what happened even in bipedal form. The one thing most humans he had met still struggled to understand was he and his ship were not separate entities.

Kansen are the ship they embody. They can choose a form at will, be it human, ship or both... Maybe with a rigging, Kohaku understands some humans are still baffled by the idea.

With another sigh, he looked over his shoulder towards the stern of his ship and noticed the furthest crane back had buckled and crashed onto his deck. It seems like it's taken out a single 25mm AA gun.

Dammit Roon!

Kohaku stood up with a stretch and went to the back of his ship, inspecting the warped steel that was his furthest stern crane. Pulling out some large tools from his large array of hidden pockets, which would have made Akashi green with envy, he started repairing himself.

Two hours later, the sounds of Hammering on steel were halted suddenly. Kohaku stood up abruptly and looked around with narrowed eyes, wiping the sweat from his brow as he did so. 

His comically large fox ears swivelled in all directions, searching for something. Two sounds caught his attention, which were out of place on the calm ocean surface. One was the sound of paddles or oars, and the other was a mechanical humming sound.

Looking for either sound on both sides of the ship proved useless. He couldn't see anything in any direction. He would have given up looking if the humming didn't get louder...

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