Prologue: Life as it is,sucky and stupid.

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[So,little heads up. Clearly ain't the first time I've tried writing,so you know it'll suck.] -Dabeated
So, name's Y/N L/N. Your average guy who's trying to live life as it is, living in a city that's constantly either busy or just fighting is a pain that's for damn sure.

"Damn,early afternoon this quick? Whatever, school ain't here for another month so I'm pretty free, for now."

I got myself outta bed,can't start the day with being lazy can I? Wasn't the most productive but I had to get up either way.

"Wonder what's on TV for today?"

So I went to my living room,plopped right onto the cushions, grabbing the remote and see what's good.

"Today's news: More and more people are upset city violence is still going on, police captain had to remind everyone they're doing the best they can to ensure safety among the citizens. In other news,the missing cases continue to stockpile. So lock your doors, have access to a firearm and keep away from strangers."

"Gotta be shitting me.. *Groan*"

It's always about the violence, and the missing cases. Yes, I know a person goes missing every few weeks or so. But not like the police aren't trying, I feel the pressure. As for the city violence,I wasn't all too concerned for that since I have a firearm on me.

So I got off my lazy butt and went to my balcony,and took a look at the city before me.

So I got off my lazy butt and went to my balcony,and took a look at the city before me

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(Don't know what else to use, so bear with me here.)

"Ahh.. The city of Hardsteel, people always getting stoned and stabbed."

Wasn't much but I didn't care, the view was nice. I'm just lucky I lived in the upper levels of the city, But I do pity those who are stuck at the bottom without choice.

"Maybe a walk should do, then go look around stores or some stuff like that."

So I went to my room, taking a look at myself in the mirror.

So I went to my room, taking a look at myself in the mirror

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(Yes, this is your current look.)

"Still lookin smooth, Y/N."

I shot finger guns to myself, gotta make myself feel good after all. So I put on some new clothes, then putting on my favorite cap.

Well damn,no choice I guess. (Various aliens x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now