Chapter 10: Busted and Jumped.

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[Mars, Marbia Hangars.] (No POV)

Y/N and the mechanic walked along the ground plates, their footsteps making clanks on the metal and with their talk on whatever, everything was fine and dandy. For now that is.
The mechanic occasionally had to throw a small can at pilots who catcalled at her, the small dink sound echoed through the entire hangar. It'd shut people up, before they'd resume their talk.

Unfortunately for Y/N, he was being scoped upon. Two individuals, same blood.

“That the kid?” Twin 1 asked, turning the safety off the fusion rifle and inserted a projectile, but the rifle was lowered by the other twin.
“Not yet, we wait for the others to do their part, then we fire.” The other twin states as their sibling grumbled in dissatisfaction.

Y/N walked right beside the mechanic, before asking something to her.
“Soo..” He starts. “...Anything about Mars I should know?” He asked, which she replied, “There used to be water on Mars, only heard it from an old archivist once. Along with Europa and Titan, at least from what I learned.” She says.

This got Y/N to ponder, water on Mars? Obviously this confused him a bit, he never really learned geography, so this is something new to him. He wanted to ask more, but she cut him off.
“There used to be a large reservoir of water, back in 2089 that is, before it was seized by the insurgents. Few months later, pumped dry, no more reservoir. No more water.” She said in a nonchalant tone, “Pops told me this story when he was still a ship captain.” She finished.

Y/N decided to finally speak, “Do you think there's another reservoir out there?” He asked, in which he got a shrug in return. “No fuckin clue, we already checked all the nooks and crannies. Only skeletons, scrap, a rover and more ice caps. And dried salt.” She replied.

The two kept pondering and talking, until little rapid pitter patters on the metal can be heard. With a high-pitched-
“WAIT FOR MEEE–” Was heard in the distance.

Y/N turned around, so did the mechanic. Y/N ended up getting tackled, fell on his back and looked up to see-

 Y/N ended up getting tackled, fell on his back and looked up to see-

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The little alien looked at Y/N, quite intensely. Her breath fogged his glass, before the other cleared her throat.

“Mimi, get off him. He's a visitor from Earth.” She demanded. “Ooo, Earthling!” Mimi looked amazed.

“What's it like on Earth? Does it have a leader? When can I come with you?” She asked so many questions, Y/N couldn't comprehend it. Until he was pulled back up.

“You good there spaceman?” She asked. “Whuh- Why are you calling me that?” He questions.
“Because of the suit, duh. Funny lil nickname for ya.” She remarked. “Oh.” Y/N rubbed his arm, before feeling something on his back, turns out Mimi hitched a ride on him.

They eventually got a move on, now ending up in a plethora of hallways and propaganda posters of the Mars Frontier. Which the three didn't pay no mind too, in any way or form.
The walk was a little bit of different topics, like "Earth is overrated" or "Why are we being stalked" and so on.

Well damn,no choice I guess. (Various aliens x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now