Chapter 9: Clutch and Run.

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[Mars, Martian Palace..]
(Y/N's POV)

I have, been lying down here, looking at her. FOR TWO DAMN HOURS! I mean, yeah, I can feel the grinding down there but I just want some out of here right about now. We kept our eyes on each other, until the palace shook.
Tyr'ahnee looked up, I only moved my gaze up, clearly.. Both of us were wondering what the fuck just made that noise and whether or not it was a natural occurrence, then another rumble, then another.. And followed by what I assumed was something zooming past the place, before the sounds of laser fire was heard, and the occasional shout over the explosion.

“Blasted cretins!” Tyr'ahnee muttered in a harsh manner under her breath, getting up from me. “Right when I finally have ONE day off.” She continued.

I saw that Z-9 guy again, along with four other armed guards. He glared at me for a second, before back to her.

“Your highness, we have to get you to a secure location pronto. Those 'in-sur-gents' are bombarding this place, of course, we already have units defending the palace as I speak.” He stated, and my ears picked up on insurgents.
Honestly I never thought they'd have the brains nor time to actually set up on Mars, place is kinda empty. And hot.

She looked back at me, before shaking her head vigorously. Then she pulled me up and close to her, one arm around my neck area and the other around me.

“On the condition that I take him with me! If this is not met, then I will personally–” Tyr'ahnee was about to continue before another quake happened, shaking the palace and making her lose balance. And dropping me.

“We are leaving!” Z-9 shouts, before grabbing Tyr'ahnee and escorting her out, leaving me.

“Unhand me at once, General!” I heard Tyr'ahnee demand down the corridor.

I got up, before pressing my visor button, having it's shielding on. Popped a bone or two, before jogging slightly out of the cellblock. I didn't know where I was going, but I just needed to avoid gunfire and detection, grab my things and back to the ship! Sounds easy, to me at the very least..
I snuck around, before I overheard some chatter. So I got near a wall, and started to eavesdrop on whoever.

“You think those earthlings ever learn? Simply they can never marvel as much as the empire.” One of the martian guards said, before the other one responded in a scoff.

“As if, those mindless idiots practically don't know what the idea of being under the reign of a glorious armada feels like, even if they've established a city on our home world! We'll kick them off the curb and out of Mars itself.” The other one said.

“Did they say city on Mars?” I said to myself, pondering this thought.

But I snuck more, and got near em. Seeing the two, they looked similar to the guards back when Tyr'ahnee was getting escorted. It wasn't long until I was somehow spotted by one of them and soon enough I had to act, they had spears and I had nothing!
Both of them rushed forward, so I made a swift move to my left, one of them nearly grazed me. I managed to close distance with one, lifting his spear with both of us in a struggle for power. Before giving a right hand to him, smacking the blunt end of the spear into his cheek, then thrusting the spear backwards which gave slight graze to the other's thigh pad and giving one kick to the ankle for the one in front of me. Making him fall to his knee.

Before I could do more, I heard a ping sound, like something.. Was being locked onto.
I suddenly dive in front of me, ignoring the small rocket that whizzed past me and to a nearby door, ignoring the flesh confetti and flying debris that happened behind me. I focused on prying the door open, and getting inside. I looked to where the rocket came from, and I saw..

Well damn,no choice I guess. (Various aliens x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now