Chapter 8: Hot Sand And Shrapnel.

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[Earth, Middle East, 2101]
(Chris' POV)

(You can play this, or not)

The sounds of gunfire rang out like a choir of angels in agony as my gun was the drum in the back, Stacker was pointing out targets to me and I shot where he yelled.

"Top right! Barricade by the rooftop!"

"On it!"

I hear the satisfying gunshots of the turret I operate, the bullet casings fall to the ground with small clinks similar to a wind chime, and mixed with the drums of the explosions in the back.
Music to my ears, just how we marines like it.
I held my thumbs down on the trigger, I barely released them from the job as I enjoy this feeling. Relishing in it, basking in it.

Delighting myself in this new area of enjoyment, guess what they say is true.
Boys don't grow up, the toys just get bigger.

And they're damn right they get bigger.
Milo was driving like he's in a damn kart tournament, making small swerves to avoid small rockets or IEDs, it's almost like these guys are relying on old tech.
It took us a few minutes to reach our designated gate, crashing through the small gate with our jeep, and got stuck because of it.
Jones slammed two shots into one guy on our right before hopping out, along with Milo tagging along.

Stacker also hopped off and had his carbine out, picking off targets that are on rooftops, and Milo is using his smg. Which I've only noticed it to be one of those new pulse guns, battery on the bottom and releases a small charge of energy at your target, but the thing is built like an old power drill.
Me? I continued to stay on the gun, firing at anything that moved, aside from my teammates.

"Chris! You got a potato I can use?" Milo asks of me.

"Yeah, I got one!"

I stopped firing for a bit to give Milo the grenade when he came near, before back to picking targets off in the buildings.
*Dshk* *Dhsk* *Dhsk*, was all I could hear from my gun.
Like a small beat, with nothing else mixed in. Besides the muffled humming of the engine.
Beside all the chaos and gunfire, I can sorta overhear the enemy's banter.

"Что за херню они используют?!"

"Не смотри на меня так, будто я знаю! Нам здесь почти за дерьмо не платят!"

Even though I didn't understand them, at least I knew where they were hiding now! And then I started blasting where I heard the voices coming from, then.. a thump.
I probably hit one of them by the sudden stop in yelling, or so my brain says.
But I couldn't care who or what I just hit, I continued to fire until I heard a sound, similar to a rocket propelling towards me.


"That doesn't sound g-"

I fell back a bit but managed to hold tight onto the jeep, apparently a rocket did in fact, hit us. Or at the very least, tried to.
Seeing as the gun was a little off it's stability, I had to hop off the jeep much to my disappointment and frustration. I also saw Milo beat someone with his power drill lookalike. Ouch.

"Milo! Jeep's down, think we can fix it? Or can we salvage the gun?" I asked him, setting myself near some debris and popping some shots to a few of them rebels.

Well damn,no choice I guess. (Various aliens x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now