tom accidentally exposes your relationship (fluff)

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"Holy shit you look fucking fantastic," Tom complimented, jaw-dropping as he walked into the bathroom where you were putting the final touches on your hair and makeup to get ready to go on your date with Tom.

"Thank you, baby, you don't look too bad yourself," you smiled, turning around to wrap your arms around his neck. He dipped down to press a soft kiss to your lips, earning a smile from you.

"Almost ready to go love?" he asked pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear.

"Mhmm," you hummed, "just need some shoes and I'm good to go." He led you back to your bedroom, sitting back on the bed, watching as you picked out a pair of shoes. He took the opportunity to pull out his phone and snap a quick video of you for his personal Instagram, wanting to show his girl off to his friends since you guys haven't gone public yet.

"Darling look at me," he said after pressing the record button.

"Yeah?" you asked turning around and shaking your head with a laugh after seeing he was recording you.

"So stunning," he said before ending the video, making you blush. He wrote a quick caption before posting it to his story.

"Ready to go babe?" you asked reaching for his hand. He nodded, latching your hands together before you walked out the door. When you got to the restaurant, after parking the car both of your phones started ringing at the same time, earning confused looked from both of you. After seeing it was Harry and Harrison, you let yours ring out and Tom answered the call from Harry. Your eyes widened as you checked your phone, seeing all the notifications you were receiving from all of your social media platforms.

"Mmm, I'll handle it, Harry. I know. I'm an idiot. I got to go bye," he hung up.

"Tom," you said, showing your phone screen to him, watching as it lit up constantly with notifications.

"Love I'm so sorry," he sighed, rubbing both of his hands over his face, "I might have um accidentallypostedthatvideoofyouonmypublicstory."

"You what?" you asked with furrowed eyebrows making him sigh and look at you.

"I accidentally posted that video of you on my public story instead of my private story. I'm so sorry I know that we didn't get to talk about it and-"

"I mean they were going to find out eventually yeah?" you shrugged, with a reassuring smile.

"So you aren't mad?" he asked making you shake your head.

"And you aren't going to break up with me?" he asked with a frown making you snort.

"It's going to take a lot more than this to get rid of me Holland, now come on you at least owe me some dinner and maybe some dessert," you teased, pressing a kiss to his nose. 

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