tom x Latina reader fluff

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You woke up with a soft sigh, rolling over in your husband's arms as you fluttered your eyes open. The smile on your lips was automatic as you scanned Tom's features. His curls were frizzy, messily pushed up against the pillows, his lips slightly open, soft snores escaping them. You looked behind him, your eyes catching the clock, reading the time was nearing 9 o'clock in the morning.

With a 5-year-old, you were surprised she hadn't made her way into your bed by now so you decided to let Tom get some extra sleep. He had just got home from filming Spiderman-3, after Cherry and Uncharted filming and press tours back to back. So with a very energetic and dramatic daughter to come home to, you knew he could really use the extra rest. Slipping out from under his arm gently enough not to wake him up, you padded softly to Maria's room, peeking your head in to see your curly-headed girl fast asleep. With a smile on your face, you made your way to the kitchen deciding to start breakfast before they woke up.

Flipping on the coffee pot first as always, you turned on your playlist at low volume making sure it wouldn't wake up anyone else before pulling pancake mix out from your cabinet.

Meanwhile, Maria turned over in her bed opening her big brown eyes with a yawn. She grabbed her blanket, holding it tightly in her small fist as she hoisted herself out of her bed to shuffle her way to your room for her routine morning cuddles. She rubbed her eyes and scrunched her face in disdain seeing her dad still sleeping. She clicked her tongue before doing her very best to climb up onto the bed, letting out a few grunts and groans here and there. Sighing, and pushing the dark curls out of her face, she crawled toward Tom's sleeping form.

"Papá," she whispered, tugging on the loose t-shirt he was wearing. He mumbled something, before rolling over onto his back making Maria huff.

"Papá," she whined louder, crawling on top of him, clutching his shirt to help her get there, "despierta papá."

"Mmm, I'm awake," he hummed groggily.

"No, you're sleeping," she whined, "open your ojos papá." She brought her hands to his face, using both to try to pry his eyes open, making Tom let out a deep chuckle before opening his eyes.

"Good morning princesa," he greeted his little girl, a sleepy smile playing on his lips.

"Abrazos papá," Maria said with a pout, jutting her bottom lip out and widening her doe-like eyes making her look eerily like you.

"What? You want cuddles mi amor?" he asked, making her nod.

"And besitos papá, mis besitos," she exclaimed.

"Kisses too?" he asked with wide eyes. She nodded with a frown.

"Come here bebé, I think I can do that," he nodded with a smile. His smile widened if possible as he opened his arms for his girl, letting her fall onto his chest with nothing but grace as she snuggled deep into him. He wrapped his hands around her small form, rubbing up and down her back, leaning forward to press multiple kisses to the top of her head. Maria relaxed in her father's arms, her eyes falling closed and her grip on his shirt loosening.

"Why did I know she'd be in here?" you whispered from the doorway.

"She's keeping me company since my wife left me," Tom teased dramatically, making you raise your eyebrows, as you crossed the room to sit next to them.

"Hmm guess you don't want breakfast then Mr. Holland," you taunted, running your hand through Maria's hair gently. She turned her head towards you, fluttering her eyes open and smiling up at you.

"Hola mamá."

"Buenos días amor," you smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.

"My turn?" Tom asked, his lips puckered. You rolled your eyes playfully before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips causing Maria to let out a whine and tug on Tom's shirt, to attempt to pull him closer to her.

"Mine mamá. Mis besos."

"No estarías aquí si no fuera porque besé a tu papá," you laughed, causing Tom to immediately cup his hands over Maria's ears.

"Y/n," Tom gasped, making you laugh harder.

"What?" you asked tilting your head innocently, "it's true."

"She doesn't need to know that," he whispered, sending you a glare.

"What? That I like to kiss my husband? And that she wouldn't be here if that didn't happen?" you teased, eyebrows raised. You pulled Tom's hands from Maria's ears and pressed another kiss to her forehead.

"Nena, babe, are you ready for desayuno?" you asked, running your hand down her cheek.

"Sí, mamá," she nodded, "in bed mamá?"

"You want to eat breakfast in here love?" She nodded, a smile making its way to her lips.

"Okay, but you have to share daddy's besos," you tested. She furrowed her brows deep in thought before nodding slowly.

"Okay mamá, they can be our besos," she smiled. You chuckled lightly, leaning down to press a kiss to Tom's lips, pulling back when you felt Maria's hand on your chest.

"Okay mamá, that's 'nough. My turn," she grinned, throwing herself further up Tom's body.

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