harry taking care of you while your sick

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You groaned loudly after hearing a set of knocks on your door, throwing your head back dramatically as you shuffled your way toward the noise. You didn't bother to look through the peephole, undoing the locks and letting the door swing open to reveal your boyfriend of a little under a year.

He couldn't stop the smile that rose to his face seeing you in his pink hoodie and a pair of baggy pajama pants with a messy bun on top of your head. But his smile faded into a pout as he noticed the tear stains underneath your eyes and how red your nose was.

"Hey baby, still not feeling any better?" he asked, stepping into your apartment to pull you into a hug. He felt you shake your head against his chest as he held you tightly.

"Not at all," you whined, "my head feels like it's going to explode and my throat hurts and I'm so cold Harry, can you just hold me?" He cupped your cheek, looking into your tear-filled eyes, and nodded without hesitation before pressing multiple kisses to your forehead taking note of how warm your forehead was.

"Of course lovie, let me get you some medicine okay?" You shook your head, tugging on his sleeve with a sniffle.


"You won't feel better if you don't take anything bub," he pointed out.

"You always make me feel better," you pouted making him smile.

"Come 'ere love," he said, reopening his arms for you, helping you to wrap your legs around his waist. You placed your head on his shoulder trying your hardest not to sniffle in his ear as he carried you to your room and gently laid you on the bed.

"Do you want to take these off?" he asked, pulling lightly on your pant leg earning a shake of your head and graby hands.

"Hold on baby," he said, covering your body with a sheet and folding your heavy blanket to put into the corner for now before climbing into the bed next to you. You immediately clung to him, pushing your face into his neck, breathing a heavy sigh of relief as Harry wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Love you," you slurred sleepily into his skin.

"I love you too pretty girl, I'll be here when you wake up I promise," he spoke softly, running his hand down your back waiting for you to fall asleep. Once your breathing evened out, he snuck out of bed making quick and quiet work to put all of the used tissues that were next to your bed into the bin before setting out a clean hoodie of his and a clean pair of pants for you to put on once you woke up.

He slipped into the kitchen, grabbing you a glass of water and some medication also putting the kettle on to make some tea for your throat. He set everything on your nightstand before going to the bathroom to run you a bath.

Once he was finished, as he assumed you would, you began to stir awake. He sat on the edge of your bed, stroking your cheek gently as he watched your eyes open.

"Hey, I need you to take some meds for me," he whispered coaxing you out of your sleep. You groaned, leaning into his touch and letting your eyes fall back closed.

"I ran you a bath," he said making you hum and open your eyes again with a small smile.

"I made you some tea too, here bub sit up so you can take your meds," he said helping you sit against the headboard and leading the cup of tea to your lips.

"What did I do to deserve you?" you asked, taking another drink and letting it open up your chest and soothe your throat. Harry smiled as you took your meds and closed your eyes as you guzzled down your tea.

"Hey, Harry?"

"Yes, baby?"

"Thank you for taking care of me," you smiled, kissing his cheek.

"I'll always take care of you, now come on let's get you into the bath lover," he said, kissing your forehead before leading you into the bathroom.

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