the best birthday (tom holland fluff)

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Waking up with a light groan and a shiver, you threw your arm to the side reaching out for your boyfriend craving the warmth he seemed to always radiate but when your hand met nothing but cold sheets, your eyes instantly snapped open. With an even louder groan, you stretched your body out completely before swinging your legs over the mattress to shuffle your way out of your room.

"Tommy?" you called, walking towards the kitchen.

"No, no! Go back to bed, you're gonna ruin the surprise," he whined after seeing you turn the corner revealing the mess he made all over the counters.

"But you weren't there for morning cuddles or kisses and it's cold Tommy," you pouted, giving him puppy eyes he just couldn't resist.

"Fine, come're," he caved easily, trying his best to bite back the smile that came to his lips before turning away from the stove to give you grabby hands. You padded towards him quickly, sighing in relief as his warmth engulfed you. He slowly ran his hand up and down your back, sliding his hand underneath your shirt to feel your skin as his lips pressed against your hairline. Bringing his free hand to your cheek, he tilted your head up to meet his lips for a sweet kiss.

"Happy birthday, my love," he mumbled against your mouth, kissing you once more. You hummed contently as his lips worked against yours, your hands finding their way to your favorite patch of his curls at the back of his neck.

"Thank you," you smiled, resting your forehead against his.

"Okay now off you go back to bed."

"Sure you don't need help Tommy?" you asked wrapping your arms around his waist, your eyes drifting to what looked like burnt pieces of toast.

"No no no I assure you, everything is going great, now please go back to bed darling," he assured you, earning a giggle from you.

"Okay, okay fine," you playfully rolled your eyes before turning around to head back to your room. In true Tom fashion, he swatted your ass before he returned to whatever he was doing at the stove.

"You're insufferable," you chuckled with a shake of your head.

"You love me!" he called.

You laughed again, making it back in between your blankets. Pulling your phone from the nightstand, you scrolled through birthday messages from your friends and family, replying to some before switching over to Instagram. You heard Tom's footsteps coming closer towards the bedroom, so you quickly locked your phone and tightly shut your eyes to pretend to be asleep.

Tom couldn't hold in his chuckle as his eyes landed on your form, causing the corner of your mouth to quirk up.

"Wake up sweetheart, I made you breakfast," he played along, setting the tray on your nightstand to brush hairs from your face. You gave an over-exaggerated yawn, stretching dramatically pulling a laugh from the both of you.

"10/10 performance darling really, I'm not sure who the actor is anymore, you deserve an oscar," Tom teased.

"Shut up," you laughed, pushing his shoulder lightly, sitting up against the headboard. Tom laid the tray on top of your lap and you looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" you asked.

"I know it's your birthday and technically I'm supposed to be nice but I will take all of it for myself," Tom threatened, making himself comfortable next to you, "now eat up, we have a busy day." You stayed silent for a minute, biting your lip.

"Busy?" you asked, looking at him timidly, knowing Tom knows you would much rather stay in than go out.

"Oh yeah," he nodded, "We're meeting both our families for lunch then I invited all of our friends for a party tonight, it's gonna be massive."

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