Tide Goes Out

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This short chapter takes place right after Alterna and Memories

(y/n) pov

I wake up in a black abyss.

Me: W-what the-

???: Why didn't you save me?

I look behind me and see Aizawa.

Me: Aizawa!!!

I try to run to him but I can't, my feet are stuck to the ground.

Aizawa: Answer me. Why didn't you save me?

Me: You pushed me into the pod, how was I supposed to save you?

Aizawa: You're weak!

Me: What?

Aizawa: You could have done something, but you just stood there like a coward!

Me: No! He wouldn't say that! Shut up!

Aizawa: Pathetic.


A bone went through his chest.

Me: Aizawa!

I break free, and run to him.

Aizawa: Why?

Me: Damnit! Nonononono.

Aizawa: How could you?

Me: I'm so sorry.


Me: DAD!

I sit up in my bed, with tears streaming down my face, hyperventilating.

I grab my new phone, put on headphones, and press play on the first thing I see on Splatify.

I try my hardest to calm down, I start focusing on the music.

Me: 'It wasn't real it wasn't real it wasn't real'

The chorus hits and the voice soothes me.

Me: 'It's ok, I'm ok, it wasn't real, it was a dream.'

My breathing steadies.

I lay back down and stare at the ceiling.

Me: 'Think of good things. this girls voice is nice. It sounds familiar, who... is... that...'

I fall back asleep.

The next morning

I wake up and rub my eyes.

Me: 'What was that dream, Aizawa was there, but it wasn't him. And he was stabbed by a bone this time, not that black and red pole. I've had dreams about my friends but, this... best not to think about it.'

I look at my phone and pick it up.

Me: 'Who was that girl in the so-'

"Artist: Marie, Squid Sisters"

Me: Would you look at that.

I hear Shiver from the other side of the door.

Shiver: Hey, breakfast is ready, it's waffles.

Me: Ok, be right out.

I get out of bed and grab a backpack full of my gear.

I open the door and sit down at the table.

Frye put a plate of waffles in front of me.

Me: Thank you.

Frye: welcome.

We start eating. The trio finish quicker than me and Harmony, so they decide to go look for more treasure in Alterna.

Harmony: What's in the bag?

Me: Oh, Sheldon wanted me to test the Pseudo Squid more, he said he'll be monitoring me through a camera while he runs the shop though. Apparently he thinks that if he takes one day off, the economy will crash, and the world will end.

Harmony: Huh, also, I heard you crying last night. Are you ok?

Me: O-oh, yeah, I'm good. Just a bad dream.

Harmony: Oh ok, well, I hope you have fun testing the Pseudo Squid.

She gets up from her chair and hugs me.

Me: Thank you, Harmony.

I grab my bag and we head out, I drop Harmony off at her house, and I start traveling to Alterna.

Chapter End

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