The Rocket: 02 + Talk With Grizz

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(y/n) pov

Me: Let's do this.

I hear Hide and Sleek start playing over the radio.

I see a lot of Octarians in front of me.

Frye: They REALLY don't want you to go that way...

Shiver: Don't hesitate now, or we'll lose everything! Just listen to our music and stay pumped!

Me: Right!

I see start running and pick up a can, and get a Trizooka.

Marie: So much for the area being restricted. Take out the Octarians, and we're in!

I aim the special weapon and fire it, splatting all of the Octarians.

I run to the next section and pick up an armor upgrade. I see another can and pick it up, this time it's a weird basket thing.

Callie: Hey, that's a Wave Breaker! Toss that in the middle of a gaggle of Octarians, and watch 'em squirm!

Me: Well, if you say so.

I toss it in the big ink puddle and 7 popped out from it. I splat them all and a door opens to a new section.

I see another can, and grab it. I turn the corner and see a bunch of shielded Octarians.

Octarians: !

Me: Uh oh.

They all start shooting at me, and I hide behind a wall.

Callie: (y/n)!

Shiver: Are you ok?!

Me: Yeah I'm fine. Now, lets see what you are.

I open the can and a big hammer pops out.

Me: That'll do.

I start splatting them all with the hammer and throw it at the last one. The next door opens, and another can is there.

Me: Wow, Grizz really just wanted me to test out all of these.

I pick up the can and a shark jumps out of it.

Me: What?

Marie: Ooo, fun! A Reefslider! Ride that shark into the fray while attacking, and after a bit it'll stop and explode into ink.

Me: Oh, neat.

Shiver: Let me give you a tip. You can't change direction, nor would you want to. You're at the top of the food chain!

I ride the shark into a cluster of enemies, and it does as Marie said.

Big Man: Ay! (That was awesome!)

I run onto a platform and it raises.

Callie: Rising to the top... just like like the superstar that you are, Babe!

I go through some more special weapons.

I pick up another can and Octarians start shooting at me from a raised platform.

Frye: YES! That's an Ink Vac, hold down the power button to siphon up the enemy ink, and then send it right back!

Me: This entire fucking mission has been one big tutorial from you all.

Marie: Well, that IS our job.

I shoot the ink back and a big electric explosion happened.

Shiver: How shocking.

Me: Heh.

I go through some more until I get to an elevator.

Callie: Another elevator... but look what's waiting for is on it. Another Crab Tank!

I grab the can, and wait as the elevator goes up.

Big Man: Ay! (Keep it up! You've made it so far!)

I run to the edge and almost fall off. A dead end.

Me: Shit.

Callie: It can't be a dead end... can it?

I see an Octozepplin get let out from a slot in the wall.

I walk down and jump on one. I look down and see an almost endless drop.

Me: I should not have looked down.

Marie: Watch the Octosniper... and your step

I jump onto the platform and swim up to the Octosniper, splatting it.

Callie: Yeah! Take that!

I ink a zip line and swim in it up to a vent.

Me: Oh thank god that's over.

I land in a new area.

Marie: OK, I know we've had a few false Gramps signals. But I'm pretty sure he's on that launchpad.

Callie: Oh. And how in the world are we supposed to get over there?!

Marie: I don't know for sure, but if we can get into this building on the right, maybe we'll find an answer.

I walk around looking for a vent, and Grizz starts talking over the radio. I try to tune him out, but he said something that pissed me off.

Mr. Grizz: Mammals and marine creatures have traded places. And not for the better.

Me: Ok, Grizz, that's it.

Mr. Grizz: What was that?

Me: I'm tired of hearing you go on about how "oh mammals are way better than marine life" it's annoying, and it's wrong.

Mr. Grizz: And why would that be, child of man?

Me: Because from what I've seen, this new earth is almost if not better than the old one. No quirks, no overzealous destruction, maybe a villain here or there, but that's really it. I think I heard about one villain that actually posed a threat, and it was a fucking telephone. Old earth had so many damn villains, you couldn't count how many there were. This new world has been probably the most peaceful few months of my life I've have since I was like 14 or something.

Mr. Grizz: You do make an interesting point.

Me: I've been having trouble remembering my past and I know I have the tools to help, but I'm scared about what I'll learn about the old earth from it. I think that alone, says enough about old earth.

Mr. Grizz: Child of man, I would agree with you, but I think I'll pass.

Me: You've gotta be kidding me.

he then starts ranting about business and stuff, and I just enter the next layer of the Space Center.

Chapter End

Wakey Wakey (a Splatoon x Male Human Reader story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz