Chapter five

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After Anand left, I was sad, but I managed to hide my pain and decided to cover it up with a smile. I decided to get to know our children a little more. I went to join them at the breakfast table, but instantly, the eldest daughter stood up and jerked her younger sister along.

"I don't know why the lady followed us here. I have to report her to my grandfather when he returns home." She exclaimed and walked past me with her sister.

I sighed. My mother kept a comforting hand on my shoulder as she spoke. "They're not aware of what marriage means. I'll go and explain it to them. Also, get ready for the reception party. Your father-in-law's important guests will be here. You have to behave well. And Anand, he'll have to return because he won't want the family's reputation at stake."

I nodded my head. I pray he returns.


Anand's mother entered her grandchildren's bedroom. The youngest was busy playing with her dolls. She made her presence known by speaking to them.

"Kids, we have organized a party for later.

The youngest enthusiastically got up from the bed and approached her. She was a fan of parties because it was the only time they were allowed to fully associate with their friends; if not, they were always busy with studies and after-school lessons.

"Really? What is it for?" The eldest daughter, Poonam, inquired.

"We're organizing the party to welcome your mother into the house." She shared along with a warm smile while both of them became stunned. They were aware their mother died during the childbirth of Riddhima, the last child.

"Is Mom returning?" Riddhima asked her.

"She has returned. Your mom is here, Shraddha. She married your father yesterday and became your mother. Allow her to get close to you. Let her love you."

Poonam endorsed her grandmother's words out of her head. She was angry, but she didn't show it; rather, she quietly returned to her bed and sat.

"I just remembered I have an assignment. I won't be available later." She said. She loved her mother a lot, and she was very upset that her father got another woman for them to be their mom when he promised them no one could ever replace her in their lives.

Riddhima copied her sister and returned to her bed too. She was sceptical about whether to stick with her sister about not attending the party or go because she didn't want to miss the fun. However, she remembered her father's words, in which he told her to always support her sister's decision.

"Grandmother, I also have an assignment. We won't come." She said.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't force them." Shraddha said as she went into the room. Poonam sent her a half-stare of hate as she got up.

"I feel like going out for some fresh air." She said and left.

"I also feel like going out for some fresh air." Riddhima said what she heard her sister say and ran out to follow her. Shraddha chuckled while grieving in sadness but still had to laugh at the siblings bond. She never had a sister in life; hence, she respects all sisterly bonds.

"Don't worry about them. They will attend the reception party." Mother assured me. I won't even mind if they don't. After all, they understood our relationship today, so it was normal for them to react angrily. To be honest, they're not even upset. They're calm and reasonable children. They didn't try to pull my hair or cry their hearts out until I left their house. They're calm and well-behaved, like adults are.

On their way out, Poonam and Riddhima stumbled on a three-tier cake that was covered with white fondant icing and had a picture from yesterday's wedding ceremony of Anand and Shraddha, which was taken separately.

"Is this for the reception party?" Poonam asked the family baker with a serious expression on her face.

"Yes, Ma'am."

She hissed in annoyance and pushed it out of his hand, and it landed on the floor completely sabotaged. She cared less about the mess she created, as she knew no one was going to scold her. She held her sister's hand firmly, and they walked out of the house. She let go of her hand upon reaching outside. As she angrily sauntered around, she kept mulling over how their father betrayed them.

Riddhima innocently copied her actions. They kept strolling together until Poonam exclaimed

"Dad cheated us. He said he was getting remarried, but he never said he was going to get us a new mother."

"Yes, he cheated."

"And do you know how mothers who didn't give birth to you behave? I have a friend who has a stepmother. She doesn't give him home-cooked meals. She doesn't care to cook his favorite meal or take him out every Saturday. It's the driver that always does that." Poonam continued to worry. She dreaded with fear that Shraddha would stop letting them have their daily comfort. "We have to send her away soon." A full grunt of intenseness flashed through her eyes.

Back inside the house, Anand's mother was very furious at Poonam's behavior for ruining the cake. She wanted to reprimand her so that she'd realize her mistake in case she tried it again next time, but after going out, she saw her in the garden feeding her horse with pure innocence on her face. Her anger liquefied, and she smiled, forgetting the reason she came due to the sight in front of her. Poonam always loved her mother. She was the lucky child who got to spend some years with her before her death. She must still be remembering some of their moments, and so, as a child, she was meant to behave that way.


The party began. Shraddha went downstairs. She chatted with two people who were interested in knowing about her village and her, unlike the others who didn't care that she was the bride. It was like they only came for a photo session because they summoned all the photographers to their side.

Neither the children nor Anand were present, so although his mother was there, she still felt out of place because the man she was there for wasn't with her.

"Look, Anand's father is back!" Mother whispered in a soft voice, and I instantly fixed my eyes on the aged, white-haired man coming our way. This was the first time we met. We locked gazes as he arrived. There was something in his stare that was making me beg the floor to open up and swallow me. He gave me a warning look that revealed he was a man who would never tolerate any kind of discourtesy.

I bent and touched his feet to seek blessing.

"Where is Anand?" He didn't bless me; instead, he stepped back and asked. I straightened myself while Mother informed him that Anand left in the morning and hasn't returned since then.

"Do you know what will happen if he doesn't come to his reception party? My reputation will be tarnished." He shouted at her without showing her any respect as his wife. I lowered my gaze and remained silent.

"And his sister? Is she here or will she miss the event like every time?"

The revelation that I have a sister-in-law made my brow raise in question. I wasn't aware of her.

"I've messaged her. She didn't reply, but I've messaged her." Mother whispered.

"Make sure you tell her to come along with her husband, or else she's not welcomed."

He trod to the stairs, and I raised my eyes to look at my mother. One thing I noticed was the tears she was trying hard to hide by roaming her eyes here and there.

"Mother, are you alright?" I became concerned.

"It's been five years since my daughter graced us with her presence. She promised never to return here except for a funeral. She's upset with her father. I don't know why she's punishing me too. I know she won't attend the party. She will not reply to the message. She has turned us into strangers. She doesn't come, and she doesn't allow my grandchildren to visit either." Her tears spilled from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and exhaled a sigh. "I will attend to the guests."

I was puzzled after she left. Which daughter would stay away from her origins for five years and refuse to let her children visit the people who gave her life?

It was a matter I was going to investigate later. I left the party to check on the children in their room. The lights there were switched off, and not knowing where the switch was, I began to wander with my palm on the wall until I found it. I turned it on, and the lights returned. Poonam and Riddhima were on their beds with their duvets pulled up until their lower bodies as they slept soundly. I smiled and moved closer to Riddhima. I found my hand naturally caressing her silky hair while I admired the beautiful girl. She was still so small. She didn't deserve the cruelty of having to live without a mother for so long. But now that I'm here, I'll make sure none of them misses their mother again.

I went to Poonam. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I'll pray to God that her peace always stays with her.


"He's not answering!" Anand's father threw his phone against the wall in anger. The phone screen cracked as it fell from the balcony to the ground floor. It attracted the attention of Shraddha, who was there. She read through his anger and realized that it was due to Anand.

She returned to their room. She removed all the jewelry his mother gave her to wear for the event while not being able to control her tears. She got married because she thought he loved her. But now, everything was just the opposite of what she thought.


It was morning. She enjoyed the warm shower. She stayed under it shower for a long time. After she finished showering, she frayed the towel around her and went out. She encountered Anand coming inside.

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