Epilogue 2

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It was exactly a week after the incident, and everything was back to normal, according to Shraddha. The week had been hectic, as she barely saved herself from the wrath of the law. They imprisoned her for changing identities, but her father was quick to bring a lawyer who defended her. Her evidence, which she traced to how Riya's daughter died, sealed Ranbir's punishment. He tried to escape from the country, but Riya made them capture him. She gave his number, which only she had, traced, and he was taken into custody, and later the court declared him guilty.

It was hard—very hard—when Shraddha investigated the incident on her own and in one day, when she didn't know anyone or any place in Mumbai except three houses, That was Riya's house, Anand's house, and her father's house. She didn't even know where to start looking. Where she will begin asking? Had it not been for a worker in the house whom she asked for guidance, she would never have known. The man was present when Ranbir shared that he killed his daughter to his father. Her father was also at fault and to blame, as even though he knew his son was a criminal, he chose to hide it. The worker got her the footage of that day five years ago. He linked her with his Uncle who was one of the labourers at the construction site that bore witness to when Ranbir shot her. She also saw in the footage how Mr. Kapoor, along with her father, brought her to the house. In the footage, she saw Anand's father being aware she wasn't the culprit in Riya's child's death; he knew it was Ranbir. Strangely, despite his dislike for her, he supported her rescue. The question lingered: Why did he save her?


She sighed and replaced her thin lips with a broad smile when she heard Riddhima's voice. She stayed with her for the week. Her clothes and uniform were brought, and no one objected. She was surprised. She thought they would create a ruckus and deny letting them live together, but the whole family was silent. Anand would come every night to meet her, but whenever he would come, he would leave without getting to speak to her. She didn't forget, nor did she think she could forget that he ultimately killed her had it not been for the reversal of events made by Sarah. About her, she also got what she deserved. Shraddha told her they could no longer be friends. Anand said she could decide what she saw fit for her, and his family would gladly accept her decision, so she saw fit that she return to America. Her ticket is in process, and she's hoping that tonight they will get it.

"I made this for you."

Shraddha looked at the creamy yoghurt in a bowl that was in her hand. She smiled and pecked her forehead affectionately.

"Riddhima!" Anand's voice called out to her when he reached the home for his routine visit. Shraddha released her to go to her father, and she left the garden to give them privacy. Anand watched her leave even though he didn't want that, but he had no right to stop her. Although, he desperately wanted to apologise to her for everything, he himself wouldn't forgive anyone if someone had done what he did to her to him.

"Anan....Shraddha!" Sarah called out when she entered the hall with her luggage, where Shraddha sat alone, patiently awaiting Riddhima's return to share the yoghurt she had prepared. Shraddha turned her gaze toward Sarah, wearing a blank expression.

"When will I see you again?" Sarah inquired, prompting a half-sad smile to appear on Shraddha's lips.

"I don't want to see you again," she whispered.

Silence enveloped the atmosphere before Sarah spoke once more. "I want to apologize. Please forgiv...."

"You should be in jail with Ranbir, but you're still free even after attempting to end so many lives. If I hadn't forgiven you, you wouldn't be here now." Shraddha's eyes shifted away as Anand walked in with Riddhima by his side.

"I want to atone for my mistake in some way; if not, guilt will eat me up. If you want, I can reverse the events to when you first met your husband. This way, you could both fix your relationship. ...."

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