Chapter twenty-six

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Anand went to the door to check who it was while Shraddha entered the bathroom. He opened the door and was welcomed by the Inspector's sight. He tried to peep inside the room however, Anand stretched his hands sideways and asked what sort of behavior that was from his side.

"A complaint was lodged against you that you kidnapped a woman. Where is she?"

Anand first rolled his eyes because he was certain he didn't resemble a kidnapper in any way. He then sighed at the management's audacity in taking him seriously when he told them to call the police.

"She's....." he paused as the inspector drew his ears while listening to him. His mind ran a marathon in thinking about who Shraddha was to him.

"My children's mother." That was the nearest answer he found.

"Did you have children out of wedlock?" The inspector asked for clarification since that alone had a penalty on its own in their village. After all, it is prohibited.

"Where were you when our wedding was all over every newspaper and social media?"

"Sir, I wish to speak to Ma'am. If she clears your name, I'll leave. Her statement matters more than what we see in the news."

Anand buckled himself on the door and refused to move. Inside the bathroom, Shraddha sensed something being wrong. The impatient knocking, then Anand remaining silent for a long time. She draped back her wet saree and dashed out. She could see him talking with someone, but as the man was short or was Anand just very tall, she couldn't see the person he was speaking to.

"Anandji?" she voiced.

A sense of envy conveyed his heart as he thought she came out in her towel. Why would she be like that in front of another man who wasn't him? His face was replenished with anger. He didn't even want to turn.

"Who is at the door?"

"It's me the Inspector, Ma'am." The man answered taking Anand in a full look and then went past him inside.

Shraddha looked at the aged man who was bedecked in uniform. She extended a half smile enquiring why he was there.

Anand spun with anger garnishing his heart, but after he saw she was dressed decently, it vanished away in a snap.

The Inspector surveyed her from head to toe. She was looking responsible. "A complaint was lodged against the man. It said he kidnapped you. Is it true?"

She frowned at the charge. "Who said that? Anand, didn't you tell him who we are to each other?"

"He did. He said you are his children's mother."

Her eyes traveled to him instantly. "Why didn't you tell him we're husband and wife?"

"I did. I told him our wedding was all over the newspapers. The man is adamant about hearing it from your side."

"Sir, he's my husband."

"Do you have your marriage certificate with you? I have to confirm. I'm sorry, but he looks more like your Uncle rather than your husband. I hope you're not in an illicit relationship. He's way older than you. I know girls nowadays that follow men like him for money. I hope you're not one of them."

"He's my husband. We're here to visit my mother. Why will we carry a certificate along?" As she was answering him, Anand took out his phone from his lonely pocket to search for their wedding picture so that the Inspector will leave them alone. He was getting on his nerves by publicly and indirectly telling him he wasn't good enough for her. One thing he was certain of about himself was his age may be high, but his mind was still young and it thinks quicker than an adult. He saw five missed calls from his mother on the phone. It was on silent, so he didn't hear it ring. However, putting it back on speaker mode and ignoring the missed calls, he visited the internet to search for his wedding photos. Immediately, pictures of it flooded the screen. He never found the chance to even watch the pictures to date. Back to the point, he tilted the phone towards the inspector and called his attention.

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