Chapter thirty-four

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It was nearing ten o'clock at night. Shraddha was waiting in the living room along with Riddhima who was sleeping on the couch. On normal days, both of them sleep by nine but as today was very special since Poonam was returning, Shraddha vowed to stay awake to welcome her personally. Neither Poonam nor Anand has arrived. She wasn't aware of the time Anand left the house. When she went into the room to give him his medicines, she saw it was empty. She asked around and one of the workers informed her he left a while ago. She wasn't bothered he left despite his condition which was still not good. She was bothered he didn't inform her where he was going to or informed anyone else.

A car horned. Shraddha amidst being happy quickly jiggled Riddhima and she woke up although she was still half sleepy.

"I guess Poonam is back." she said and got up, scurrying to the door.

Behind the car that carried Poonam, Anand parked his. They left their cars at the same time. Both of them came face to face with one another. Anand took note of how his daughter had lost weight over the days. He smiled to welcome her and proceeded into the house. Even if he wishes to pretend to be happy about her arrival, he can't. The reports about her stay there haven't been pleasing to him. She just became horrible rather than good. However, he smiled at her because she was still his daughter and she returned home after days. If not him, no one will carry his responsibility as a father and welcome her. He didn't hug her or kiss her as he was still angry with her about what she did to Shraddha. The attempt she made on her life and also because of what he found out about Supriya. The things joined together and were creating explosion after explosion in his head. He was having a terrible headache. As it was, he didn't fully recover from his first heart attack. He was afraid if it happens again, he won't survive it. But, he was still forced to drink tonight although he limited it because that was the only way he found to relieve his stress. He is being oblivious on purpose to himself and hiding the fact his heart isn't as strong as it use to be. He is aware he has begun to walk on the path of death so he will live the remaining days of his life happily with his family. He'll sort out all misunderstandings. He'll grant justice to the people that deserve justice and punish those who deserve to be punished.

He met with Shraddha by the door. Just as her lips parted to enquire where he was, his finger stopped her and he dashed inside.

"What's wrong with Anand?" the worry disappeared after she saw Poonam walking in their direction. A huge grin lightened her face along with Riddhima's. On the other hand, Poonam was already upset with the cold welcome she received from her father. She became more upset when she saw Shraddha there because, before her departure, she told her grandfather to make sure she doesn't wake up. She was now angry with both her grandfather and Anand. Her grandfather couldn't complete the single task she gave him. He couldn't fulfil the promise he made when he said she'll leave after the election. And for her father, she was upset with him because he has still not forgiven her for trying to get rid of the filth in their house. The filth which was Shraddha. He never called her during her stay in London to ask about her health or day and when she arrived, he pretended as if they were not father and daughter.

"Sister," Riddhima ran to her and they hugged each other.

"You're the only one I missed." Poonam said.

Shraddha retained her smile even though she was kind of hurt. She wondered if Poonam has thought of her even once during her stay there.

"I'm very tired. I'll go and bath." she drew away from Riddhima.

"I've turned on the water heater since morning. I knew the first thing you will want to do after you return is bathe. Should I bring your food to the room or will you come downstairs? None of us have eaten dinner. We said we'll eat together as a family." Shraddha said.

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