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"You're charging for a lot. I'm giving it only because you agreed to bring us even though you were aware we had no money."

Ananya gave him her golden ring in exchange for the ride they were given.

"No one would even help you when they knew you had no money. I did so, and I deserve to be paid a hefty amount."

"I don't blame you. We have to pay for humanity now. As if it is our fault our purses were stolen." her friend said.

They proceeded to the gate of the high-fenced house. No one could see the type of building from outside. The gateman who came out demanded to know who they were there for.

"Mr Pandey."

"You are?" the man asked Ananya, who answered him.

"Tell him Ananya from the U.S.A."

Ranbir's father was with Ranbir and Riya when he received the call from the security man who informed him of Ananya's arrival. His expression changed immediately with panic, and Riya asked him what was wrong. They had visited to celebrate his birthday, which would be among family and friends this year.

"Send them away. I mean, send them to the guest house." he stammered in answering, while Riya asked him who he was sending away.

Ananya took the phone from the man and told her father it was her. "Are you inside the house?"

"No. A driver will take you to the guest house."

"Who is it, Father?" Ranbir asked, as he suspected his father was sending one of his girlfriends away, judging by the terror he went into all of a sudden.

"Why will we go to the guest house? Are you not around? If you're not, we'll go in and wait for you. Is it not our home?" Ananya said.

Ranbir insisted on having the phone to speak with the caller, but his father refused him continuously. Ananya heard whatever he said to the person with him and how he lied about who he was talking to, as he said she was a client. That confused her a lot, and she was left with so many questions.

"You can't go in. I will take you to the guest house because that was where I was instructed to take you to."

"That is strange. How can your father treat you like a guest when you're his daughter? He's treating you as if you're not blood-related."

Ananya agreed with her, also regretting making the decision to go to India. She was a person who would never stay in a place that made her felt unwanted. She won't force things when people show her they don't want to.

"We won't go to the guest house. We will wait the month at the airport until our returning flight arrives,"  she said.

"What are you saying? We have no money. We don't know anyone."

"We won't stay at any place that isn't this house where he lives. If he won't welcome us, then we just have to return to the airport. We'll sort out how to live on our way."

"Who was on the line, father? I know it is not a client." Ranbir protested, wanting to know who he spoke with.

"I doubt he'll inform us. Let's visit the guest house and check for ourselves." Riya suggested.

"I swear it is not what you all are thinking about. I'm living a life of chastity. I've grown old now. All these have been kept behind, and I'm repenting for the sins I committed in the past."

"Then who was on the line?" Ranbir demanded, finding it hard to trust what he said.

"A distant relative's daughter."

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