Chapter seven

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The fresh morning scent was informing me that today was going to be great. I woke up very early. Since it was Monday, I assumed the kids would be going to school. I bathed, got ready, and left for the kitchen. But the problem was that I didn't know where it was. My mother hasn't shown it to me yet. I walked down the long hallway downstairs. There was one delightful aroma hitting my nostrils as I approached a door. I followed the scent, and I reached inside.

 I entered the kitchen and met two people there

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I entered the kitchen and met two people there. One was a young woman, and the other has aged. It was like a mother and daughter. Both of them noticed me, and we exchanged morning greetings.

"What are you doing here, ma'am? Do you need something?" Aunty asked me.

I replied to her question with a small smile while moving closer. "I'm here to cook for the children." My eyes searched for a pot. When I didn't hear her reply, they settled on her alarmed face.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Poonam and Riddhima Ma'ams' food?" She inquired.


"They don't eat anyone's food except ours or Madam's. I'm sorry, but they won't have breakfast if you cook."

"I want them to accept me into their lives by doing this. You know they didn't attend our reception last night. They're finding it hard to accept me into their lives. Who knows, maybe food will change their perspective, and they will love me." I told her. I was glad she understood, and she showed me where everything in the kitchen was. She also helped me by teaching me how to use modern appliances because I'd never seen them in the past. I finished cooking, and I took the food to the dining table. I looked at the aloo paratha I made for everyone with curd, pickle, and butter, poha, besan chills, sweet dalia, which I packed in the kids' lunchbox, and aloo poori served with potato curry. For juice, I made orange juice because it was healthy to take in the morning. Back home, I never got the chance to complete my education, but my mom was a good chef. She taught me a lot of Indian dishes from different cities in the north and south.


A powerful aroma wafted through the house and glided over every corner. The scent was appetizing and delectable. Everyone arrived at the breakfast table, from Anand's father to his mother to his kids and him. They settled into their seats.

"Isn't Shraddha awake yet?" Anand's mother pointed when she couldn't spot her among them.

"I'm here, Mother." Came Shraddha's optimistic voice. She went to her and touched her feet for blessings.

"May you be blessed." She genuinely wished she was.

She moved toward Anand's father and touched his feet. The man developed a cold face as he got up.

"Shamsher!" he shouted.

Shraddha got scared and flinched. A man ran inside, and Anand's father left with him. She breathed out to calm her racing heart while Anand's mother spoke.

"He has an important meeting today."

Shraddha nodded her head, and she saw Anand eating his food. A smile spread on her lips as she curiously and impatiently waited to hear whether the food was great or not.

From the taste, Anand realized the chef didn't make the food. And Shraddha's stare was making it more evident. It was delicious, and he was about to compliment it until Poonam threw her plate against the wall.

"Who cooked this garbage?" She shouted out, and while Shraddha's face ripened with amazement, so did her father's.

"I did." She answered.

"Who asked you to? Did you poison it to kill us so that you'd live alone with my father?" Her words made Riddhima spit out the food she was chewing.

"She poisoned the food?" she asked.

"Why will...." Shraddha was lost for words. She began to cry and helplessly looked at Anand to see if he also thought the same.

"The food hasn't been poisoned. I'm still living despite eating it. Eat your food silently and go to school." He intervened.

Shraddha heaved a sigh of relief and wiped away her tears. At least Anand supported her.

"I won't eat this garbage. She has already succeeded in taking you away from us. It's good." She jerked her school bag, which sat on her chair, and started leaving the house.

"Poonam!" Anand yelled her name.

"I'll go and call her." Riddhima spoke, took her bag with her, and left. They reached the car and settled inside.

"Did you see what I was telling you yesterday? She took our father away." Poonam told her sister.

"But are you sure she poisoned the food? It was delicious. I wanted to have it but...

"Never! Don't ever eat what she cooked. Maybe she didn't poison it today because her father was here, but what if he won't be here tomorrow? She'll kill us at the slightest chance she gets." Poonam exclaimed. Riddhima took note of what her sister said and nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind. Do you think she packed our lunchbox too since she cooked the breakfast?"

Poonam quickly opened her bag. She took out the lunchbox and opened it. It had the same aroma as Shraddha's food. She threw the box out of the window and also removed Riddhima's box. She flung it out and commanded the driver to take them to school.

At the dining table, Shraddha asked Anand if he thought Poonam would listen to Riddhima and return to have breakfast.

"They must have thrown their lunch outside and left. Don't worry. I'll send food to them." Anand's mother shared while Anand got up from his seat.

"I'm done here. Breakfast was delicious, but not healthy." He said and walked out.

Shraddha smiled briefly and sat down.

"Mother, but the kids haven't had breakfast...."

"They serve breakfast at their school." She replied.

Shraddha relaxed. She had breakfast with her. Her mother told her the food was very tasty and that if she could cook dinner for them, she would appreciate it a lot.

0Definitely, Maa," She answered.

"I'm going out today. You'll be alone at home since everyone is out. Find something to do to get rid of loneliness. I won't return until six in the evening."

"Isn't Anand's sister living in Mumbai?" Shraddha enquired.

His mother's expression softened as she smiled. "She is, but she won't welcome you to her home because she's angry with us."

"I still want to meet her. If you permit, can I..."

"Of course, you can visit her. I hope she'll treat you well. I will inform the driver to take you there."


The driver brought me to a beautiful home. He claimed it was Anand's sister's house. I was very excited to meet her. I wanted to know why she wouldn't visit her family, and if it was possible, I wanted her to return with me today to greet her mother. I knocked on the door, unaware of what the doorbell was used for. Minutes later, a woman opened it. She was exactly like Mother, from her brown orbs to her curly, long hair. She was the young mother.

I smiled and touched her feet, but immediately she moved back.

"Who are you?"

I stood straight and answered. "I'm Shraddha. Anand Ji's wife." I blushed and lowered my gaze.

"Oh! And who sent you?" Her voice wasn't at all welcoming when she asked.

"Mother told me about you yesterday, and I decided to meet you so that we'd get to know each other."

"Come in." She said, shifting from the door. I went in while she followed behind me. We reached the cozy living room, and both of us sat on the same sofa.

"Tell me how you married Anand." She asked. I looked at her. Since she was Anand's biological sister, there was no need to hide the truth of my marriage from her.

I spoke. "Mother said he loved me and wanted us to marry. She got us married within two weeks, but the next day after our wedding, he confessed he didn't love me. It's no problem, though. I'll fix our relationship."

"They ruined your life too." She chuckled. "But my brother is at least a gentleman who will never touch a woman without her permission. You're lucky it was him you married.

I couldn't make sense of what she said, so I asked. "What do you mean?"

She smiled and sighed. "They ruined your life too, and my brother's. They definitely did what they did to me to him. They forced him to remarry."

"What do you mean forced? Did they marry you to someone against your wishes?" I inquired.

His sister stared at Shraddha as she wondered if she could trust her enough. She has hidden her pain for so many years because no one was ready to listen to her at home, but today, God sent her a friend in disguise of Anand's wife. Maybe she was the person who could finally help her escape forever.

"Do you have a phone?"

Shraddha shook her head in response.

"Can I count on you?"

"Of course, Sister."

"Bring the police here tonight. Ask Anand to come with you. But don't let Father have the slightest idea, or he'll notify Ranbir." She said it more like she was pleading with Shraddha while holding her hands.

Shraddha's lips parted to ask why, but she told her not to ask any questions.

"I'll tell you everything after I escape this place, I promise."

"Escape? Why?"

"Don't ask questions, Shraddha. Leave now before he finds out what we spoke about." She stood up, and Shraddha followed. She walked her out. Shraddha had many questions running through her mind about why she wanted to escape her matrimonial home, where her husband and kids live.


I returned home at the same time with the children. I went to welcome them in when they came out of the car, but both of them shoved me away and walked past me. I turned and followed them.

"What?" Poonam angrily turned and yelled at Shraddha.


She eyed her maliciously before they went upstairs.

"I'm back." came her mother's voice.

Shraddha welcomed her in with a bright smile. They entered the living room and sat down. Shraddha has been restless ever since she came back from her sister's house. His mother read the worry written on her face.

"What is it?" she asked after collecting the glass of water the servant gave her. She took a sip while Shraddha told her what happened during her visit to the home.

"She asked me to tell Anand so that we'd take the police there later. I've been thinking about that since I returned. Is she in an unhappy marriage?"

"Who told you that? She has been married for 12 years. How can she be unhappy? She has three children. How can she let someone she doesn't love touch her?" her mother got hyper as she stood up. "I'm going out. Keep an eye on the children, and don't you dare tell Anand what she asked you to tell him. I'll visit her and listen to the problem she has." She said it with seriousness on her face.

Shraddha nodded her head.

Hey! 💟💟💟💟
What do you think is the story behind why Anand's sister wishes to leave her house?🤐🤐🤐
And what do you think of the story between Anand and Shraddha?🤭🤭
Do you think Poonam and Riddhima will ever love Shraddha as their mother? 🤔🤔🤔
Do tell me in the comments section.📲✉️📥

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