Chapter thirty-nine

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The moon had hidden the sun. Anand got back home. Shraddha was patting Riddhima's hair trying to put her to sleep. Her eyes were closed. Anand checked his room. Meeting it empty, he knew where to find Shraddha. On his way, he reckoned the turn of events that happened to them. They started the day on a good note. They wished each other happily and parted with happiness. But towards the end of the day, he got bad news which will make them sob throughout the night. It wasn't related to him, but he had to share his wife's pain.

He opened the door to his children's bedroom. He looked at Poonam's bed which was empty and his gaze shifted to Shraddha. She was making Riddhima sleep.

"Anand!" she called out when she noticed him standing at the door.

He told himself he couldn't do it. He couldn't be the reason her smile gets taken away. He has always given her pain. He can't break the news.

"Is everything alright?" she enquired because she saw glints of sorrow in his eyes. She looked at Riddhima who was now sleeping. She pecked her forehead and properly covered her with her blanket before standing her. She went to Anand and he hugged her.

"I've bought you a gift." he said. He has decided before breaking the news, he would make her happy. Even though then it would hurt her more. Still, he wants to see her smile first.

"Again? What else is missing? You've already given me everything." she enquired while drawing back.

"Come with me to our room." he held her hand and took her there. She was smiling all the way yet not making an effort to guess what the gift was. She has no idea since he's almost given her everything.

Anand picked the box on the bed and presented it to Shraddha. It was a phone. Shraddha's face lighted with another sequel of happiness. She collected the box happily while having her mother in mind. She could now contact and speak to her every day.

She still remembers her house's telephone number vividly in her memory. She was going to call her right now and they'll patch things up together.

"There's a sim card inside. I'm curious to know whose number you'll save first." Anand asked her while intently studying the happiness on her face. He feels satisfied just by looking at her.

"My mother's. I'm calling her now." she walked past him to the window. His smile vanished and worry crept onto his face. He was again in a dilemma with the news he carried.

"Shraddha," he called out with a hesitating voice as he doesn't know how to begin or what to tell her. He regrets their happiness being ruined midway.

"One minute. The phone is ringing." she replied.

How could he tell her that the phone would never be answered? It would break her heart and that was the last thing he wished to do. His mind remarked helplessly.

"Strange." she looked at the phone's screen. The call got disconnected without her mother answering. She dialled it again and pressed it against her ear.

"Shraddha," Anand walked to her.

"Mother isn't answering my call. Do you think she guessed it is me? Is she still very upset?" worry superseded her happiness as she asked. Anand took the phone from her hand and threw it on the sofa.

"I have to tell you something important."

"Do you have an idea about the reason she's not picking up the call? Do you think I should call Surbhi to go check up on her? Maybe I should. She lives two houses away. I will call her up quickly." she went to the sofa where the phone landed. Anand watched her and pitied what she would go through if she found out the truth. Shraddha finished typing her friend's number, but her hand waited before dialling it.

"Mother is probably sleeping. Why am I worrying? I'll call her tomorrow morning." she kept the phone. Her happiness returned and she smiled. She turned around and yielded back to Anand's arm embracing him tightly. His nose glides into her hair to smell every bit of her. He was still wondering how he would break the news to her and how she would react.

"I loved the gifts. Thank you." she whispered.

"I'm glad you did."

Shraddha's head bent to take a peek at him briefly. There was sadness in his voice when he replied her so she asked. "Is something bothering you again?" she moved away.


"I love you. Say it to me." she cut him halfway.

"I have to tell you something...."

"Say I love you first. I promise to listen after."

"I love you." he admitted from the bottom of his heart meaning it because isn't love not wanting to see the other person sad? Doesn't love mean trying your best to make your partner smile? He's doing all that. His lips feel heavy to convey the news he has because he loves her. So, it is the truth, his truth.

"Anand," Shraddha bridged the small space between them and kissed him from sheer excitement. He forgot the news he carried and shared the moment with her. They kissed passionately as if they reunited after a long time. The sparks, the butterflies, the weakness in the knees, Shraddha felt it all and she loved having the feeling. She wouldn't mind living forever in his arms.


It was early in the morning. Riya pushed the front door to the house open. She was looking miserable as she confronted the stairs to go meet with Shraddha. Her eyes sulked red upon reaching Anand's door. Without a second thought, she opened it and went in.

"Shraddha!" she shouted her name.

Shraddha and Anand both woke up.

"Riya?" Anand scanned his sister who wasn't looking like her normal self.

"Shraddha, I'll kill you today. How could you betray me when I considered you my sister?" she jumped on her and started pulling her hair. Shraddha had no idea what went into her. She tried to defend herself, but in the process, pushed Riya out of the bed and she fell on her back and landed on the soft carpet.

"What is wrong with you?" she enquired.

Riya kept panting hard while staring at Shraddha with the intense hatred she amassed for her.

"What are you doing here?" Anand shouted seeking an explanation for her unjustifiable behaviour.

"It's not just your home. It's mine too. I can come whenever I wish and I'll appreciate it if you stay out of this matter." Riya exclaimed. Her eyes were still fixed on Shraddha. Shraddha got out of bed and approached her to ask her what the matter was and what she did. She maintained a safe distance between them because Riya still seemed furious with her.

"What happened to you?"

"I've called the police. They'll come and take you away and I swear I'll make sure you rot in jail for the rest of your pathetic life." she snarled in response.

"Have you gone nuts?" Anand scrutinized her figure.

"I have. They're taking her to jail. She'll live there forever." Riya said.

"Shraddha won't be going anywhere except Ladnun. Stand up and get out of my room. I don't wish to see you." he raves with a yell to his sister. He was angry with how she behaved with his wife in front of him. She didn't show her any respect.

"Ladnun? Why?" Shraddha asked.

"Yesterday, I couldn't inform your mother passed away three days ago." he said while leaving his bed. He went and hugged her to extend his support.

Shraddha stood still in shock going numb.

"Sir, the police are here with a court order to arrest Shraddha for kidnapping." a worker that went into their room announced.

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