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There is going to be no sex, sorry. My wonderful lover helped me write this(He writes sex)... he is Nntbdffrb

Slender and bacon went on a date. Well not a date but they were alone so they considered it one. A oot has been on bacon's mind so he had decides to open up more. He slipped up and said his real name so they both have exchanged their real names, after a long ass time.

"Your real name is thomas?" Slender asks bacon, shocked and confused. Bacon wanted to jump out of a window in that moment. They all have the most basic ass names for some reason. "Yes, it is." He muttered and looked away since he felt shame cause of his name. But soon the awkwardness of this conversation would stop when karen and carol appeared beside them.

"Hey jake." Karen said as she held carols hand. "Oh my god, did you guys did drugs or something? Cause bacon looks rough as shit. Oh yea wanna hop onto roblox later?"

"Shut the fuck up." Bacon says, "I told him my name is thomas." Karen laughed and smiled at carol. "THE TRAIN? No wonder why your life crashes within seconds." She giggles then looked at carol.

"Don't be so mean, karen." Carol suggested, trying to not laugh. Carol remembered how much karen was a bitch to Bacon and how bacon was a complete shithead back then. "We don't want things to repeat." She said, then walked to the others who are hanging way back, discussing things. "Should we go back?" Slender asks, "or do you want me all to yourself?" He asked, laughing but walked off to the others.

It's not that, he is significantly shorter than most of his peers. He is 5'2 while most of his friends are over 5'5. The only one short than him is jade, the tallest one surprising is carol, she is 5'10. Slender tends to lie about his height to seem cool, he says he is 6'8 but in reality he is 5'7. He did it to impress people and lied that he was in basketball. In reality, when he went to try out, the team laughed at him and called him "Tree stump. The also said they can step on his head and break every tiny ass bone in his body.  Bacon was too caught up in the moment of thinking, they were already scheduling somewhere else was go. "Come on dude, we are leaving." Noodles says and it snaps him out of it.

They all go home. Noodle kisses jade before they depart. Bacon seemed quiet, a lot he was taking in. He remembered the one time bacon came home and saw slender spray paint abs on himself. He never left the house so quickly.

He is not upset at much but more so when slender pays attention to nothing but nonsense or when he shares something he never meant to share and reminds bacon about it fifty times. He calls bacon an idiot for slipping up and it annoys him since he has stated when he does to not mention it. Bacon went in the backseat instead of shotgun. It was silent for a good while before they had the conversation. He was going to drop bacon off at his house.

"We need to talk, again. You have been ignoring me at times and you only pay attention when it's irrelevant. We only ever hang out once in the last four months. You moved out and took my pet bunny,  Sir Jefferson. I miss him very much." Bacon finally said.

"I thought that was a gift but I'm sorry for this." Slender said but bacon left and slammed the door. "If you were sorry, you would respond to my messages and not leave a reaction. You wouldn't use fucking chatgpt at times when I vent to you. You never take in my feelings and you ignore me most of the time. I love you but YOU need to work on your communication." Bacon ranted and before slender drove off, "YOU need to work on your anger issues, babe." Slender said before driving off. Bacon didn't notice since he was looking down.

"Don't call me that. I love you too but just listen..." Bacon started but he realized slender left so he sighed.

Whats my meaning to u (slender x bacon)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt