Chapter 17

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"Eric? Do you have a moment?"

The tech looked up from his screen at the ex-Navy Seal. "Sam. How can I help?"

Sam sank down in the chair normally occupied by Nell. "Have you noticed anything off about Callen? I mean, can you see if he's frequenting places?"

Eric raised an eyebrow. "No..." came the hesitant reply. "I haven't noticed anything abnormal. Why?"

"He's hiding something."

"Hiding something? Like what?"

"A girlfriend."

Eric snorted. "A girlfriend? Why would he be hiding having a girlfriend?"

"Because he's Callen."

Eric momentarily regarded the tall man. "Are you worried that she might not be who she says she is?"

"Could you figure something out if I was?" Sam shot back.

Eric shook his head. "Look, I don't mind doing things behind Hetty's back... Well, not really. At least not when it involves a case. Nell wouldn't either. But I'm not going to put surveillance on Callen just because you want to know if he has a girlfriend. Have you tried talking to the guy?"

"Of course. He won't tell me anything."

Eric turned back to his screen. "In that case, he either doesn't want you to know yet, or there is simply nothing to know. But I'm not digging for you, Sam. I'm sorry."

Sam knew when he was being defeated and rose. "Thanks anyway, Eric."

The tech was already too immersed in his work to notice the agent leaving. However, Sam was not so easily giving up. His next stop was Deeks. Kensi and Callen had been sent on an undercover errand, so he and Deeks were stuck in the bullpen running trails.

"You find anything?" Deeks asked the moment he saw Sam descent the stairs.

Sam shook his head. "Eric didn't have anything yet, either."

Deeks shrugged and turned back to the screen. "Well, there's not much here either. I'm afraid we're going to have to wait until Callen and Kensi are back." He tossed the remote in the direction of his desk. "Do you want coffee?"

"Just water, please."

When Deeks came back, Sam leaned back in his chair. "Hey, you noticed something's off about Callen?"

"Off about Callen? Like he doesn't stay here until midnight anymore off?"

"Yeah, that too. But there's more. He's actually filled a desk drawer with tea leaves, Deeks. Tea leaves. Do you remember the last time he went out for drinks with us? Usually, he was the absolute last to leave and earliest to be here, but now I feel like he's out of here first and in last."

Knowing exactly what he was talking about, but not wanting to reveal that he actually knew more, Deeks turned to Sam. "So? He's taking up some personal interests. I believe he's taking cooking lessons at a bistro somewhere. He's into tea. Why does it bother you so much? The guy finally has a life."

Sam wasn't convinced. "Fine, he has a life. He doesn't talk about his life. Didn't you want to scream it of the rooftops when you and Kensi got together?"

"Not really." At Sam's confused expression, he continued. "I couldn't take the shot the first time, remember? So when we finally took the leap and started dating, I wanted to keep all of it to myself to prove you guys that I could be her boyfriend as well as her partner in the field. Besides, when has Callen ever spontaneously talked about his life? Why would he willingly start sharing information just because something's changed?"

"Because I'm his partner," Sam growled.

Deeks had to laugh. "Operating word being partner, Sam, not mother. If he's got things to tell you, he'll tell you. But in his own time. No point in forcing him, it'll only make him shut you out."

Sam narrowed his eyes at the other agent. "You'd tell me if you knew more, right?"


Another glare. "Maybe?"

Deeks wasn't fazed. "Maybe. If Callen really wanted you to know, you'd know. Perhaps he's still trying to figure out where it's going. You do remember that he even stonewalled you after the first date with Joelle, even though you and Michelle were the ones who'd set him up, right?"

Sam had to give him that. "Yeah, I remember."

"So there you go."

With that, the conversation was over. Sam could hear Callen and Kensi's voices coming down the hall. Sam wasn't happy with what he'd gathered so far, though. They were all just telling him to stay out of it; like both Eric and Deeks knew more than they were letting on.

It stayed that way for a few more days. Him trying to coax information out of Callen, not succeeding, and the not succeeding starting to agitate. He decided to show up at his house unexpectedly one morning, coffee in hand, so he had an excuse. But Callen's car was nowhere to be seen, and he wasn't answering the door, so Sam cut his losses and went to work. Where he found Callen, sitting at his desk. "Where have you been? I went by your house to pick you up, and you weren't there. I even brought you coffee."

Callen raised an eyebrow at his partner. "What do you mean, where was I? I was up early, I decided to take a run and then I came here to finish up some paperwork." He frowned and held up his tea. "And you know I don't drink coffee anymore."

Sam scoffed. "One of these days you're gonna have to tell me who she is, G."

"Who she is?" Callen could still play dumb if he wanted to.

"There is something going on in your life, and you're excluding me. And I don't like it that you're excluding me."

Callen let himself fall in his chair. "Excluding you? Why do you figure that, Sam?"

"There is something you're not telling me. I can feel it. It's got to do with all those changes you've been making recently, and you're not sharing. The only reason that I can think of that you're making all those changes, is because you've got a girlfriend. Why keep her for yourself?"

"Why wouldn't I keep her for myself? She'd be my girlfriend then, right?"

"True, but being in love is something positive to share."

"Well, you'll get an invitation to the wedding if it ever gets that far." Callen shook his head. "I can't believe we're still having this conversation. After eight years, Sam."

"I only want you to be happy, G," Sam defended himself.

"Meddling isn't going to make me happy." Callen shot him a pointed look. "Keep out. If I have something to share, you'll know. Eventually."

And with that, their conversation was over and Sam was none the wiser.

No Ordinary Love - G.Callen NCIS L.AWhere stories live. Discover now