Chapter 53

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"How about this one?" Deja nodded to a tree.

Grisha shrugged. "A bit big, maybe?"

"Okay, so something smaller." She looked around, then back at him. "Why is this so hard?"

"Picking a Christmas tree? I don't know." They had been at the patch for almost forty-five minutes and were no nearer to picking a tree then when they were when they arrived. Knowing she was becoming frustrated, he squeezed her shoulder. "It's just a Christmas tree, Dee. Pick one you like that's not too big." Or heavy, as he was the one had to carry it to the first floor.

"It's not just any Christmas tree," she said. "It's a first. First ever for you, first for us, together, first for us in our new house... It's an important Christmas tree."

Smiling, he wrapped her in his arms. "Babe, you're overthinking this. This Christmas isn't going to be extra special because of the tree. It's going to be special because it's us, in our house, making new traditions and memories. So pick a tree."

Poking his ribs, Dee rolled her eyes. "I just want it to be perfect."

"It already is. I have you. You're here." He pressed a kiss to her lips. "Go. Pick one."

"Fine." Letting go, she turned around.

Finally, somewhere in the middle of a tree maze Grisha had long lost track of, she found the perfect one. "Found it!" he heard somewhere behind him.

Half an hour later, the tree was strapped to the roof of his Merc and he found that they weren't done yet. "What do you mean, ornaments?"

"What were you going to do with the tree, then? Just put the tree in the living room and not make it festive?"

He honestly hadn't thought it through. They, or Dee, rather, had decided that it needed to become Christmas in their house. She'd started two days after Thanksgiving, saying that they needed to get a tree and lights. He'd been able to postpone it for another two weeks, because of the move and everything, but here he was. Picking a tree had been an ordeal, and now they had to get lights and ornaments? He was ill-prepared for all this holiday cheer.

Shifting into a different gear, he pulled out of their parking space. "Okay. So where do we go?"

Deja dragged him to a department store first, for lights, that he felt were way too many. Then her favorite boutique shops, both vintage and new. After the third, he stopped her. "Hold on. Why so many? Are you sure we don't have enough already?"

She frowned. "It's only been four shops. We've bought lights and maybe ten ornaments total." She tilted her head to one side. "We need to start from scratch here. Everything I had collected is gone, remember? We need at least another ten ornaments, some angel hair and candles. Everything else we can collect over the next five years."

She was right. He hadn't realized. He had expected her to have at least a box of something stashed away somewhere, but her whole apartment got destroyed in the explosion. Including her Christmas decorations. He was used to them living together at their house that sometimes he forgot that this last summer she still had her own apartment. "You're right. I'm sorry. Still new to all this holiday cheer."

"I know." Dee took his arm and nodded to a little store up ahead. "Anthea has the best handmade ornaments. Maybe you'll find something you like, too."

Anthea was an exuberant twenty-something that greeted Deja with a high-pitched squeal and a hug. "It's so good to see you!"

"Likewise," Deja agreed. After exchanging pleasantries, Dee came down to business. "So, what have you got this year? We're starting over, so I want some special ones."

Anthea took her through the shop, pointing out special ornaments and baubles. Grisha wandered around, not looking for anything in particular. Admittedly, all the ornaments were intricate and beautifully handcrafted. He got why Dee liked them so much, with her particular taste. Then his eyes caught a glimmer in the window. Made in different colors of stained glass were delicate hearts. Smaller in bigger ones, to create a 3d effect, it stunningly caught the light. Speaking of new traditions. "Dee?"


"I want four of those."

That made her look up, following his gaze. "Why four specifically?"

Grisha swallowed. "One for mom, Amy, Lindy and Ramiro."

The corners of her mouth pulled up as she walked over to admire the ornaments from up close. "Good call," she murmured, squeezing his hand. "They're gorgeous."

Later that afternoon, when Dee looked up from the floor she was sitting on, having made other decorations, she grinned at their decorated tree. "What do you think?"

He had to admit that it made for something special, a decorated tree in the living room. Dee had added jarred floating candles in the window sills and on the tables with some sort of greenery and huge vases with colored baubles. It was extraordinary without being over the top.

"It's better than I thought it would be."

"I'll take it." She winked. "Wait until there are gifts under the tree."

That brought him to a different topic. "Babe?"

The tone of his voice made that she stopped collecting boxes and paper and focused all her attention on him. "What is it?" She patted the floor next to her. "Come sit."

"I was thinking..." Not sure how to broach the subject, he shrugged. "Not sure how to ask this." Shifting nervously, he swallowed. "Uhm... Garrison is here for the first time. Hetty and Tom are here. Which means my family is here."

Not sure where he wanted to go with his train of thought, Dee nodded encouragingly. "Yes..."

"Would it be okay if we do Christmas morning with the two of us, open the most important gifts and that I invite Garrison and Hetty and Tom later? We'll see everyone later for dinner, but I'd like to have them here. If that's okay with you."

She didn't even have to think. "Of course that's okay with me. I'm surprised it took you all this time to ask."

He rolled his eyes. "I didn't know how to ask without making you feel... I don't know, alone."

She mimicked his eye roll. "I have you. And your family. How in the world is that going to make me feel alone? Christmas morning with the two of us will be perfect, and then the rest of your family can all come and crowd the place and we'll have dinner at Indulge. I can't think of a better Christmas." Shaking her head, she pressed a kiss on his cheek. "You're making your own traditions. That's good. Actually, that's great. I'm proud of you."


"I am," Deja insisted. "Last year you were afraid to 'intrude' on Kensi and Marty's party, even with an invitation, and this year you're choosing your own ornaments and the way you want to celebrate. And with whom. That's massive improvement in my book."

"Well, a lot has changed this past year. And like I mentioned at Thanksgiving, there is a lot to be thankful for." He gathered her close. "Like a certain person saying yes to spending the rest of her life with me, and good friends, and the fact that Garrison is here. And next year will be different, but great just the same."

"It will be," Dee agreed. She took one last look around before she got up to pile boxes and clean up paper. "It's beginning to look like Christmas in here."

Grisha couldn't help but feel the same. Christmas was coming and it wasn't something to dread anymore.

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