Chapter 43

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When Grisha stepped through the door the following Thursday, he found his fiancée glued to her laptop, again. She'd been busy meeting the insurance company, searching for a new venue, and writing a new business plan, so he smiled, kissed the top of her head and disappeared into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Just as he put the lid on the tagine, he heard her shout in triumph.

"I found it!"

He turned the heat under the tagine down and went back to the dining room. "What? A venue?"

"A house." She half-turned in her chair and reached for him, her eyes still stuck to her screen. "Look at it. Split level, three beds, two baths, a big enough garden to have a massive dining table... And the best part is that they have a separate guesthouse, which is perfect for when we have family coming over, or to convert to a workshop space."

Grisha laughed at her enthusiasm. "Slow down. Let me see it."

Dee scrolled through the pictures with him, explaining why it would be perfect. It was light, airy, had a big enough kitchen, although the stove would have to go because wasn't going to do with just four burners and the French doors leading to the balcony in the master bedroom were gorgeous... Stealing a glance at the price, Grisha calculated in his head. If they sold their house and they put a big of savings in it, it could work. And judging the way Dee was already re-furnishing in her head, she was in love with it, which meant that he was going to do everything to make her happy.

"Call the realtor," he said, getting up. "Make an appointment."

"Really?" Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him, biting her lower lip.

"You love it, don't you?" When it stayed silent as he walked back to the kitchen, he called out. "Babe?"

"Well, yes... But you have to love it, too. It's a big investment."

"I know." He mixed the oil-and-lemon juice dressing with a fork as Dee came to lean against the doorpost, her doubt still etched on her face. "You won't know for sure if you live it until you see it. It may look ready to move in, but there is no way to be certain unless you see it. And if we're going to live there for, say, twenty years, it'll be worth the investment."

She raised an eyebrow at him, not totally convinced. "And that from the man who couldn't bring himself to buy a couch a year ago."

Grisha lifted a shoulder and grinned. "What can I say? I'm a changed man."

For a moment, she regarded him. "Are you sure?"

"Why the sudden doubt, sweetheart? You were over the moon two minutes ago." Putting his fork down, he took the few steps to where she was standing.

Dee took a deep breath. "I calculated the mortgage in my head. It's gorgeous, but the down payment alone will leave a serious dent in our savings."

"Probably." He shrugged. "Which will be worth it if we love what we're buying."


Amused, he shook his head, pressed a kiss to her temple and went back to the counter to start their salad. "Call the realtor. Make an appointment. If you're still as happy with it after the tour as you are now, we'll find a way to make it work."

"It's the first house," she protested. "It's literally the first house I see, Grisha."

"So? It could be the fourth, or the fifteenth. Call. Go see it."

Early morning Saturday, Dee went to see the house. Callen got called away for a loose end on a case, so she was on her own. Getting out of the car, she squinted against the light. It was quiet around her, which she liked. The red fencing she wouldn't have picked, but they could always replace that. Closing the door, she felt her phone vibrate in her bag. On my way. Should be there in twenty.

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