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The morning of their wedding, the sun cast a golden light, as if to celebrate with them. Grisha let his eyes wander around the brunch table, and threw his arm around Dee's shoulders. They had made it this far. This would be the first day of their beginning. Life was about to change in the best way possible.

Both Nanna and Abuela had made it in one piece, accompanied by Alistair and Maria. Dee had sent notes to everyone else, explaining that they wanted something simple, but that they'd plan a trip to see both families as soon as they were back from their honeymoon.

Dee had been ecstatic to see what he'd picked for their wedding, little as she knew. Her dress would be a surprise to him, as Hetty had taken it home with her, just to make sure they at least kept one tradition. Their rehearsal dinner had gone off without a hitch, and somehow, finally being here, had made everything more real. Tangible. They were getting married.

His soon-to-be-wife winked and dove into a conversation with Kensi on her other side. Laughter filled his ears, and although he had expected to be anything but nervous for this day, he felt the jitters in his stomach.

A week ago he had said goodbye to what had been his workplace and his team for the past ten years. The new team was in place; he had no doubt that they would put their job before anything else. He had worked with Agents Greyson, Heughan and Miller for two weeks, and he was certain they were up to the task.

All of it felt right. He had no job lined up, he was going to help out at the café and see what happened. The only assurance he needed was that Dee would stay by his side; everything else would work out. She had been waiting for him, leaning against their car, face tilted up to the sun, as he emerged from the building for a last time. His forever had a name and it was hers. It was all he needed to know.

Hetty had left three weeks before, to take time to settle and make arrangements for her trip with Tom. They would leave tomorrow, after brunch. She looked happy and content, sitting near the head of the large table Tom had put in the garden just so they could all sit together, chatting with his father. One Monday morning, she had let Tom make an honest woman out of her. Not even Grisha and Deja knew until after the fact. He hadn't expected anything else.

Garrison had brought a date after all. He had introduced them to Katarina on a Sunday morning over coffee in their yard. Grisha was happy for him. They had more in common than their Russian heritage, and his father, like Hetty, looked happy and content. There was nothing more he could ask for.

Two hours later, he slipped into the jacket of the navy three-piece Hetty had helped him pick out and looked at himself in the mirror. His nervousness seemed to get worse by the minute. Hetty smoothed his lapel after she pinned his boutonniere on. "Nerves?"

Wordlessly, he nodded.

She smiled. "Good." She cocked her head and her eyes twinkled. "Don't worry. Deep breaths. You'll be fine."

Deeks peeked his head in and grinned. "Breathe, brother. Turning a bit blue, there." He patted his shoulder. "Kensi tells me she's gorgeous and happy and overly excited."

And she was. Gorgeous and happy and overly excited as she walked down the aisle on her father's arm. Her smile was blinding, and the off-the-shoulder dress she was wearing was as much her, as the flower crown in her hair. He bit down on his emotions, only barely believing that she was about to be his for the rest of their lives. Two tears rolled down his cheek anyway. She brushed them away with the back of her hand and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

The ceremony was short and simple. To love, to cherish, to protect until death would do them part. His voice caught when he said his vows, and he swallowed more tears. He had not expected to be as emotional as he was, but Deja, apparently, was prepared for anything. Rings were exchanged, and although he had worn a wedding ring before, this felt different. Permanent. Lasting. Then he was finally allowed to kiss her, and he did so with everything he had.

Laughter, cheers and applause erupted and followed them as they made it back down the aisle. Married. They were really married.

They stole a quiet moment in the car, back to the villa. He complimented her dress and wormed himself out of his jacket. All nerves were gone and all he wanted was to hold her and tell himself they had made it.

The afternoon was another whirlwind of emotions, as the photo session turned into the cocktail hour, turned into dinner and was followed up with heartfelt speeches. Everybody seemed to have something on their mind that they wanted to share. Things he'd assumed were meaningless turned out to actually be meaningful to someone else.

At his quiet accusation that his wife (his wife) was nowhere as emotional, her reply came that she'd known his worth and his value all along. He'd just never let himself see it. She handed him a tissue and kissed his cheek, settling in the crook of his arm to listen to their friends and family. Eventually, he caught a tear rolling down her cheek too, and smiled to himself.

His father presented them with their honeymoon. Grisha had decided that it could be a surprise, knowing that his father would no doubt confer with Hetty. Tuscany it was. Two weeks of sunshine, good food, good wine and better company.

During their first dance as husband and wife, she asked him if he was okay. Gathering her closer still, he nodded into her hair. Never better. Life was great.

The party lasted into the early hours of the morning, but somewhere, somehow, they ended up on a sunbed by the pool. He was sitting with one leg on either side; his sleeves rolled up, leaning toward his wife. Dee had gathered up her skirts, leaning with her back against the sunbed, one foot hanging in the pool. They were softly talking to each other, sipping wine. Her sparkling eyes looked up at him, dancing as she mentioned something about their wedding.

It was the perfect ending to their big day.

And there, on the other side of the pool, someone captured the exact moment Dee threw her head back in laughter because of something he said.

Two months later, it was the picture that he hung in the middle of their living room.

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