Chapter 19

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He was biting back pain and hissed when the nurse removed his jacket. "That hurts."

The nurse, whose nametag read Janet, wasn't impressed. "Of course it does, dear." She inspected his shoulder. "Dr. Wilson will probably make a X-ray to be sure, but I think it's broken."

Callen groaned. Exactly what he needed. A broken shoulder. If that damned suspect had just stopped moving, he wouldn't have run into that car and landed on the wrong spot in his shoulder. It meant that he was not working for the next couple of weeks. It meant a sling. It meant moving in with Dee for at least six weeks. That last part, he didn't mind so much. All the other things, he could do without.

Kensi stuck her head around the curtain. "Is it bad?"

Janet looked up. "She with you?"

"Yeah." He grimaced as he shifted on the bed. "How's Sam?"

"Fine. He's mad about that suspect getting away, but he always is. Deeks is taking him back to Ops." She sank down in the chair next to him. "What happened? One moment you two were yelling my ear, next I hear is someone going down and Sam panicking. You disappeared instantly."

"That fool decided to make a run for it. So we started chasing him into the alley, Sam going around back and me running after him. I didn't see the car until it was too late. Landed on my shoulder, and according to Janet here, in the wrong spot."

Kensi looked up to the nurse. "Is it broken?"

"Dr. Wilson will have to make sure, but I think so."


"Tell me about it." He wasn't looking forward to painkillers at all. Or the sling. "Think Hetty will let me take a cab to work?"

Laughing, Kensi shook her head. "I'm afraid that you're going to have to take it easy. Don't think Hetty is going to let you in at all." Then she seemed to realize something. "Where are you going to stay? Do you need to stay with us?"

Callen liked how she was going into complete protective mode when it came to any of them. He shook his head. "Thanks, Kens, but I'll be fine."

That wasn't going to get him off the hook. He could hope, though, but judging by the look on Kensi's face, he was going to have to tell her more than that. "Where are you going to stay?"

Mentally flinching, waiting for her outburst, he said three words. "With my girlfriend." When he carefully opened one eye, Kensi was staring at him. "Kens?"

"You have a girlfriend?"

He could hear Janet chuckle behind him and rolled his eyes. "It is a possibility, you know."

"I know." She was baffled. "How long have you been dating her?"

"Since November."

Calculating, Kensi wanted to jab his shoulder, but settled for his thigh instead. "Six months! You've been dating her for six months and not a word?!"

"Deeks knows," he defended himself. "And Hetty knows. Hetty has met her."

Another moment of complete silence. "Deeks knows? You told him?"

He shook his head. "I didn't tell him. He guessed. He's good at detecting. Seeing things that others don't."

"He was a great detective."

"Yeah. So, he guessed. Then I just had to tell him, you know. He even helped me with my Valentine's Day thing."

Something else dawned. "That is where that French dish came from."

"The ratatouille." He flinched again as he settled back against the cushions. "Yeah, that was made by me. I cooked for her."

Kensi's expression softened. "Callen... That is really sweet."

No Ordinary Love - G.Callen NCIS L.ADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora